Speaker: Hannah Duggan RNIB

Wed, Jun 1st 2016 at 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Hannah’s lively and challenging talk on behalf of the Royal National Institute for the Blind was extremely well received even without Audio-Visual Support as Watford Rotary are still providing Transport each week to some of the members of our local Centre for the Blind living in our area. Originally our Club was heavily involved in assisting with the establishing and building of their new premises just after W.W.2

Hannah’s demonstration using special Glasses with in built bad vision of various forms of partial to almost total blindness certainly brought home the difficulties faced by many of our fellow citizens.

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Watford and St Alban’s Rotary Clubs combine to help the Peace Hospice buy much needed medical equipment due to the corona virus.


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A typical sand dam in Africa

A typical sand dam in Africa


David Silverston is the Foundation Chair for the Watford Club


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