
David Silverston is the Foundation Chair for the Watford Club

The Rotary Foundation, our charity, is an ideal vehicle to be able to transform an opportunity in this Centenary year of The Rotary Foundation.  Clubs in District 1260 have been very active with grants both District and Global in doing good in the world. District grants have been used to supplement club funds by:

  • Funding young people to paint classrooms in Nepal.
  • Sending mosquito nets to Cambodia
  • Providing football equipment for impaired youths and adults.
  • Sending Literary Boxes and ShelterBoxes to various parts of the world following disasters.
  • Providing art materials for Romanian children and many more similar causes.

Global Grants this year have included:

  • Supplying clean water to remote villages in Madagascar.
  • Assisting a young doctor to further his knowledge and skills with a scholarship to Yale University.
  • Providing medical equipment to a hospital in Pakistan.
  • Bore holes for clean water in Zimbabwe.
  • Hosting 9 Global Scholars on behalf of 'Rotary in London' District 1130. 

Eradicating Polio

After nearly thirty years of hard work, Rotary and its partners are on the brink of eradicating this tenacious disease, but a strong push is needed now to root it out once and for all. It is a window of opportunity of historic proportions.

Reaching the ultimate goal of a polio-free world presents ongoing challenges, not the least of which is a hundreds of million dollar funding gap. Of course, Rotary alone can't fill this gap, but continued Rotarian advocacy for government support can help enormously.

As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk. The stakes are that high.

This initiative has almost doubled our annual contribution to End Polio Now.

Clubs in District 1260 have been very supportive of the Rotary in Britain and Ireland 'Purple4Polio' awareness campaign - planting 10,000 crocus corms, organising Jam and Tea events and displaying the children's iron lung at many events and venues.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Team Watford Rotary is a program that invites individuals to team up with Rotary without being a member.


What does a Rotary Club actually do?


Watford and St Alban’s Rotary Clubs combine to help the Peace Hospice buy much needed medical equipment due to the corona virus.


Criteria and form for applying for a grant

A typical sand dam in Africa

A typical sand dam in Africa


David Silverston is the Foundation Chair for the Watford Club


Give something back to the community


Watford Rotary holds several fund raising events during the year.


The Charter Document
