Final Starlight Walk (2016) - The Peace Hospice

Sat, Jul 9th 2016 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Starlight Walk is a ladies only 13 or 6 mile night time walk around Watford to raise funds for Peace Hospice Care.

Just before Sunset on a perfect Summers Evening there was an amazing sight as over 900 pairs of lights twinkling and wobbling on the top of exuberant Ladies heads advanced en masse down the street on their way for possibly the last time, they could be heard half a mile away much like a flock of Starlings before they settle on the Somerset Levels at Dusk.

Watford Rotarians Howard Dick and Michael Hammond have each suffered, endured and enjoyed helping this amazing Fund Raising project for many years now, acting as Marshals at points along the Six and/or Thirteen Miles expeditions across Watford’s broad Urban scenery, ensuring the ladies security and helping the very few who are unhappily forced to drop out due to health problems.

Over the years we have “enjoyed” the farthest boundaries of rural Croxley with the attending bites of many insects and the urban joys of late revellers along Cassiobury Park Avenue in the dark around midnight.

Undoubtedly one of the greatest bonus’ of this event is the Publicity; it is amazing the many questions being asked about the reason for and the background to the walk.

For your correspondent one of the highlights was when an administering Angle gave me a lovely hot Sausage Bun!

Well done the Ladies!

Michael HammondContact Michael Hammond about this page:

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Watford and St Alban’s Rotary Clubs combine to help the Peace Hospice buy much needed medical equipment due to the corona virus.


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A typical sand dam in Africa


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