Spotlight on our President

President Graham Yule Interview

Graham Yule

Spotlight on the President of the Rotary Club of Hart

How did you first become involved in Rotary?

When we moved to Bramhall in Cheshire in 1986 I decided that I wanted to join a Service Club in the village where I lived.  I saw a plea for membership from the local Round Table. I gave the contact (Tony Burch) a call and I soon joined up. Sue became a member of the associated Ladies Circle.

Time passed and I left in 1994 under the age rule, which was 40 in those days. I had had a great time but work and family commitments meant that it wasn’t until 2003 that Tony (see above) persuaded me to join Rotary. I became President in 2010.

In 2012 we retired and we moved to the Yorkshire Dales where I joined Skipton Rotary Club, becoming President in 2015. In 2019 we moved to Hartley Wintney to be near family

What were your first impressions?

It was very similar to Round Table, but with older members! Initially I found it difficult to get significantly involved, but a couple of years later we had Gordon McNally (now RI President) as a speaker.  That evening I was inspired to become more than just a member of a Rotary Club, but a committed Rotarian.

Why did you decide to join Rotary?

I wanted to get involved with community projects and to socialise with like-minded people. Also, see above.

What surprised you most?

What a great variety of skills and experience members had.

What did you find most challenging?

Balancing work/home/Rotary commitments.

What do you get out of Rotary membership?

A receding hair line & grey hair – but perhaps that would have happened anyway.

Seriously, we are a great bunch of people. Men and women who make a difference in our community and beyond.

What would you say to someone thinking about joining Rotary?

Stop thinking about joining but get in touch via Social Media or our website and come along to see what it is all about.

Sum up Rotary in as few words as possible.

  • Making an impact
  • Giving back
  • Social.

What I hope to achieve in my presidential year

  • Encourage as many members and ‘Friends of Rotary’ to participate in our flagship events: Christmas Float, Hartley Wintney Festival.
  • Provide a friendly supportive environment for all our members
  • Support a targeted list of local good causes through activities and grants
  • Support specific initiatives in Africa including Women’s Education.
  • Introduce a new event in partnership with local environmentally oriented organisations
  • Hold a variety of entertaining and informative meetings.
  • Have a net gain of members. I have already welcomed two new members.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Graham Yule

President Graham Yule Interview

Hart Rotary sleigh at night

Santa will again be visiting Hart this coming December 2024


A few words about The Rotary Club of Hart


How to support us or interested in membership?


Based on monthly articles placed by the Club in Contact, the Hartley Wintney Parish Magazine
