What is Rotary

Are you familiar with the work of Rotary?

A minibus we donated to Burton CREST


The oldest service organisation in the world

There is no such thing as a typical Rotary member, nor is there a typical club.   Each of our 1,850 Rotary clubs in Britain and Ireland has its own personality.   Clubs meet on different days of the week, at different times of the day, and are involved in a vast range of different projects and activities.

Members come from all walks of life.   Some joined Rotary for the social life, some for business networking opportunities, and others for the chance to give something back to their communities.

Rotary runs humanitarian projects locally, nationally and internationally, and partners with many charities worldwide.  Members organise community projects that address many of today's most critical issues, including violence, drug abuse, health, hunger, the environment, and illiteracy.   Rotary clubs determine their service projects based on local needs.      The photo above shows a mini bus being presented by our club to Burton CREST.

Members are committed to the drive to eradicate polio.   Since we became involved in 1985, the number of reported polio cases has fallen from 350,000 a year to fewer that 60 in the last 12 months; over two billion children have been protected from the disease.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Jack Bloor


Annual Report and Accounts submitted to the Charity Commission

Premiership entry form

Do you want to try to forecast the final positions of the Premier League football Clubs?

Ruth with the boxes

Project to prepare Friendship boxes for children in Ukraine

The winner of the Club and District final, Maria Phillips

The winner, her parents and teacher visit Burton Rotary Club

Presentation by the President

Presentation to the Breast Cancer Screening Clinic at Burton on Trent Hospital

Presentation by Jack Bloor

Jack is an upcoming cricketer with a successful under 11 score sheet. He was amazing in his presentation to Burton on Trent Rotary on Monday this week. The club wishes him a top future in his favourite sport. Well done so far Jack.

Pot and attribution

Photos of work undertaken in June 2024


Many of our members joined Rotary because it offers a chance to 'give something back'


just some of many!


meets every Tuesday morning at Burton Brewhouse


Are you familiar with the work of Rotary?


Have fun and help others. Sue abseils down Derby Cathedral to raise money for Mountain Rescue.


A small selection from recent Club events

Ready to carry the boards!

Thanks to all the Local firms supporting Burton Rotary Club
