Why should I join Rotary

Have fun and help others. Sue abseils down Derby Cathedral to raise money for Mountain Rescue.

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The Benefits of Membership

As a large and diverse organisation, Rotary provides individuals with the power to help those in need.   There are countless opportunities to make a difference.

In a complex world, Rotary maintains a simple philosophy - make friends in your own community and throughout the world.

Giving back to the community
Service to local and overseas communities is well organised and rewarding.   If you like helping others, here is your chance to do something worthwhile.

Fun and entertainment
Rotary is fun - a lot of fun.   Every Rotary club and district arranges parties and activities that provide a welcome distraction to a hectic business life.

Business development
Rotarians come from every business community and all walks of life.   Rotarians help each other and collectively help others.

Personal growth and development
Membership of Rotary develops leadership, public speaking, social, business, personal and vocational skills as well as improving cultural awareness.

Continued learning
Clubs organise programmes and weekly meetings to keep members informed about what is going on in the community, the country, and the world.   Each meeting provides an opportunity to hear speakers on a variety of current topics.

Travel opportunities
Every Rotarian is welcome - even encouraged - to attend any of the 29,000 clubs in 194 nations and geographical regions.   This bond creates an instant friendship wherever you are in the world.   Many a Rotarian in need of a local doctor, lawyer, hotel, dentist, or other expertise while travelling has found assistance through Rotary.

How to Join Rotary

If Rotary sounds like the thing for you, do contact us through the contact link at the top, and a Rotarian will be in touch.   When you join Rotary, you can be sure that the sense of achievement you experience in helping your local community, as well as communities around the world, will be matched only by the fun that you have in doing it!

William SaundersContact William Saunders about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Pot and attribution

Photos of work undertaken in June 2024

Santa Sleigh put to bed!

THANK YOU EVERYONE - please see details below.. Santa has now retired until next November ans his sleigh will be ready for another year. Look out for announcements in November 2025


Annual Report and Accounts submitted to the Charity Commission

An amazing and very amusing speaker.

An interesting insight into the life and times of a former criminal lawyer, Turned Mayor of Uttoxeter. A man with a great sense of humour to boot!

Revd. Robin Trotter.

An interesting history of this almost 300 year old church, presided by Revd. Robin Trotter. Organised by Geoff Brown.

Presentation by the President

Presentation to the Breast Cancer Screening Clinic at Burton on Trent Hospital

The winning dishes

Tom, from Burton and South Derbyshire College, won with this meal choice - Minced beef pie with potatoes, broccoli, asparagus tips and gravy followed by apple and cinnamon crumble with custard.

A very nice afternoon, and well catered. Thanks go to all those who worked hard to make it a success.

A good time was enjoyed by all, courtesy of host John Weil, and organised by President David Buchanan.

Pirelli Parade flyer 2025

The Pirelli Parade will provide advertising boards at the Burton Albion match on April 12th. Please see the flyer notice for details and contact the Rotary Club of Burton upon Trent

It was indeed a super afternoon. Thanks go to John Weil for the use of his paddock, and President David Buchanan for organising. Thanks also to those who worked hard to make it a success.

Enables invisible links from main pages. For current use, see below.


Many of our members joined Rotary because it offers a chance to 'give something back'


just some of many!


meets every Tuesday morning at Burton Brewhouse


Are you familiar with the work of Rotary?


Have fun and help others. Sue abseils down Derby Cathedral to raise money for Mountain Rescue.


A small selection from recent Club events
