Friendship boxes for Ukrainian children

Project to prepare Friendship boxes for children in Ukraine

Friendship Boxes

After receiving an email from Rotary GB and I Ukraine Crisis Taskforce and Rotary District 1220 I attended a zoom meeting in September 2023. The Community and Youth Committee decided the Friendship Boxes for the children who had to shelter underground during attacks from Russia was a good cause.

I contacted local schools and organisations as did other Committee members.

Boxes filled with pencils, crayons, colouring books, puzzles, games, books and warm clothes and various items were filled from Little Monsters Day Nursery,  Burton Fields Primary School, Mosley Academy Anslow,   William Shrewsbury Primary School,  Etwall Primary School,  Repton Primary School,  Church Broughton Primary School, Formark School,  Burton Rotary Club,  Anslow WI

Egginton WI and several individuals. A cake sale raising £152 was held at Foremark School.  In total 70 boxes will have been delivered to Cherlye Berry at Clay Cross and sent by convoy to Ukraine.

My heartfelt thanks goes to all the organisations and individuals who have supported this worthwhile cause.

Ruth James, Leader Community & Youth Committee

The Boxes left with Cheryle Berry :

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Annual Report and Accounts submitted to the Charity Commission

Presentation by Jack Bloor

Jack is an upcoming cricketer with a successful under 11 score sheet. He was amazing in his presentation to Burton on Trent Rotary on Monday this week. The club wishes him a top future in his favourite sport. Well done so far Jack.

Ruth with the boxes

Project to prepare Friendship boxes for children in Ukraine

The winner of the Club and District final, Maria Phillips

The winner, her parents and teacher visit Burton Rotary Club

Presentation by the President

Presentation to the Breast Cancer Screening Clinic at Burton on Trent Hospital

A very nice afternoon, and well catered. Thanks go to all those who worked hard to make it a success.

A good time was enjoyed by all, courtesy of host John Weil, and organised by President David Buchanan.

Pot and attribution

Photos of work undertaken in June 2024

Presentation by Tim Coltman of his Grandfather William Coltman.

Tim Coltman gave a history of his Grandfather William Coltman during his time in the First World War and presented us with his astounding bravery, leading him to receive the Victoria Cross. Originally from Burton on Trent. A brave man indeed.

It was indeed a super afternoon. Thanks go to John Weil for the use of his paddock, and President David Buchanan for organising. Thanks also to those who worked hard to make it a success.

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Have fun and help others. Sue abseils down Derby Cathedral to raise money for Mountain Rescue.


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