Formed in 1922, the Rotary Club of St. Austell is one of the oldest clubs in the district and welcomes new members.
From its beginnings in the town, membership grew until the outbreak of the Second World War.
During 1939 to 1945 the club had an average membership of ten but speakers were plentiful and covered many subjects.
Members on active service were elected honorary members until their return and retained membership when the hostilities ceased.
During the war the club took on the responsibility for forming the St Austell Air Training Corps and organised concerts and parties for serving men based in the area.
On the return of members from the services membership rose until there were 25 members in 1950 and in the later years it rose to 70.
There are currently 49 men and woman who belong to the Rotary Club of St Austell, which meets every Tuesday at the Cliff Head Hotel for an evening meal, usually followed by a talk on general interest topics, including Rotary matters.
The club has four female members, the first of which was enrolled two years ago.
Since its formation the club has been involved in many activities that over the years have helped the community.
From the early days the club's barrel piano collections have raised money for senior citizens' Christmas parcels. It has also introduced, bowling for the blind, riding for the disabled and the Probus Club.
For many years the club supplied the minibus crews to transport young people with learning difficulties to their Thursday Club meetings but this later ceased with the change in legislation.
It now provides its services to the Parkinsons' Club at Cuddra Hall and it also supports the local Memory Cafe helping people with dementia.
The club places more importance on directly helping the community than fundraising but has had great success in collecting money for local charities, especially Cornwall Hospice Care.
This year it has raised more than
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Rotarians John Hawkins and Peter Lean presented with certificates by District Governor Tony Williams to mark 50 years of service.
moreJohn Allen was honoured by the club with a Paul Harris Fellowship and a certificate for over 40 years service.
moreWe are trying something new! The three presidents for 2024/25 - David Mackrell, Mike Pascoe and Elke Deeley
morePresident Elke Deeley and David Earl presenting a cheque for £5000 to shelter box's John Stanbury
moreClub activities
moreProjects that we support overseas
moreWhat we do for young people
moreHistory of the Rotary Club of St Austell