Being a Rotarian is not all about fundraising equally important is for members to have fun and enjoy the friendship of others.
Of course we have fun and a chat and laugh at our weekly meetings, but we also like to hold social occassions as well where we can invite our families and friends to come along and join in too.
Club visit to Hill Farm in Gestingthorpe, site of Roman ruins[...]Read full details
more Visit to Bulmer Brick & Tile works folowed by a meal at The Bulmer Fox
more Fun filled evening with a Burns Night supper
more Good time had by all at our annual Christmass 'do'
more Table Top Horse Racing
more Halstead Rotary Club hosts an excellent St Georges Day Celebration.
more Members enjoyed a visit to Gainsborough House in nearby Sudbury
more Member enjoy a traditional Burns night supper.
more Sunday morning walk and lunch
more Short break to Amiens
more Visit to Hill Farm Gestingthorpe