We recently took part in an exchange with District 4670 which covers the Rio Grande do Sul province, the most southerly part of Brazil.
The Brazilian GSE Team arrived in our District (Wessex District 1110) on 26 September 2011 and were in the District until 25 October 2011. A comprehensive programme for their visit was arranged including a visit to Guernsey were they were hosted by both the Rotary Club of Guernsey & the Rotary Club of Guernesiais. For details of their visit & their biographies please click here.
The GSE team from District 4670 was composed of leader Tarcisio Docílio Borba from RC Cachoeirinha, and participants Beibi Daiana Lamb (RC Parobé); Cacinele da Rocha, (RC Imbé); Jamile Halam (RC São Leopoldo Industrial); and Tricia Wenzel (RC Porto Alegre Sarandi).
The team arrived in Guernsey on Monday 3rd October in the evening having crossed from Poole. Tuesday took them to Herm to visit the cultural and environmental sites and have lunch. In the afternoon they went on an Island Tour of Guernsey visiting sites of cultural and heritage interest. In the evening they had a guided walk and supper in St Peter Port. On Wednesday they visited Guernsey Water & Wastewater and recycling in the morning. In the afternoon they visited the States of Deliberation, Greffe and Courts (hosted by Deputy Bailiff of Guernsey Richard Collas). In the evening there was a Dinner and presentation at the Hotel Bon Port attended by the Bailiff of Guernsey Sir Geoffrey Roiwland & Lady Rowland. After a free morning with hosts they flew to Southampton to be met by District GSE Chair Colin Cook.
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more A £150 donation provided 300 Christmas Meals.
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more A family holiday.
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