The Comm/ Voc Committee has the responsiblity for looking at local causes / needs that need physical or financial assistance. -
Each year money is raised to pay for children from St Lukes School in Scunthorpe to go to Tresswell Park on Rotary Kids Out Day in June, this arrangement with St Lukes School has been on the Pentagon agenda for over 15 years.
The Club takes part in the Dictionaries For Life scheme for local junior schools - this year three schools - Crosby; Gurnell Street & Westcliffe received dictionaries for some of their pupils
The Comm Voc Committe have taken an active role in the three Swimarathons that have been organised in co-operation with RC Scunthorpe & RC Brigg
The last time the Swimarathon was held - March 2020 over £10,000 was raised - with the money being distributed to 25 local groups that had applied for financial help.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The Clubs International Committee as the name implies targets needs abroad
moreRotary Foundation - Rotary's Own Charity - has been at the forefront of the Rotary Eradicate Polio Campaign since 1985 and promotes the Rotary Peace Scholar Project.
moreClub Service means simply service within the club
moreThe broad role of the Community Vocational Committee is to support the needs of the local Community and also the wider District Community