Club Members together with Rotakids from Iceni Academy visited Sanway Green Lodge Care Home, we all had an afternoon fun, games, dancing and face painting!!!
President Tony has presented Dictionaries for Life, to Heathlands, Hazelwood and Willowbrook schools and was very pleased to hear how much they are valued, and used, by the children.
Presenting Dictionaries to Heathlands School
President Tony has presented Dictionaries for Life, to Heathlands, Hazelwood and Willowbrook schools and was very pleased to hear how much they are valued, and used, by the children.
The stable for our 'Horse'
Funds raised from Rotarian Helen's Remembrance Day 2014 'Curry Lunch' were donated to Chavasse VC House
Chelsea Flower Show 2014 Garden as now been relocated to Chavasse VC House
Roatarians Mike and Melvin with the assistance of a Help 4 Hero making muffins
Club members with their finished muffins
President Helen Chuah with 2 members Karen and Beverley joined by staff and children of the Colchester Carers Centre enjoying a day out to Butterfly Lodge Education Farm during the summer holidays. The day out was sponsored by Rotary Centurion Club to give the young carers a day to enjoy the outdoor together which they thoroughly enjoyed spending time with the goats, horses and other animals, picking apples and blackberries and cooking their lunch in the open fire in the woods.
Willow Brook School - Dictionaries for Life presentation
Olga, Pauline and Amanda joined President Helen for a Dictionaries for Life presentation at Willow Brook School.
RYLA Weekend
The District RYLA [Rotary Youth Leadership Award] selection day was held on the 17th May at the Mersea Youth Camp. Youngsters from all over Essex attended and worked in groups to undertake a range of challenging activities. Although strangers to each other the youngsters quickly got to know each other and the development of their leadership and teamwork qualities throughout the day was palpable. The Rotary Club of Colchester Centurion was represented by several volunteers there to assess the development of the youngsters and their ability to gain from further leadership training. By the end of the day there were so many good candidates for attendance on the full leadership training weekend, on the 31st May 1st June, that it was disappointing that more could not be recommended, as numbers were limited."
Kingsford Junior School Choir
One of our members is head teacher at Kings Ford Junior School, Lexden which formed a choir in September to present a carol service at another member's church, St Leonards Church, Lexden
Tree Planting At Kings Ford Junior School
Several club members together with the Chair of Governors and a member from Forum Club assisted pupils with tree and bulb planting at Kings Ford Junior School
Path Clearing November 2013
On Saturday 16 November an heroic band of thirteen from The Rotary Club of Colchester Centurion, University Rotaract, members of the local community and the Public Right of Way and Localism officer from Essex County Council assembled in Axial Drive, Colchester. They spent the morning clearing footpath 26 from the main line railway tracks to Tuffnell Way. It was cold damp and exhausting work. But as we returned to our cars a "Thank You" has heard to ring out from one of the high windows in the overlooking flats. Nice to know we were appreciated, and encouraging for the next time.
Path clearing Near the Hythe 2012
The club, in cooperation with a member's church personnel, cleared a footpath near the Hythe area of Colchester. It can be seen from the central photograph what a good job they did on the one hot day last summer.
Willowbrook School
In addition to helping Willowbrook school with their gardening project, we supplied them with Dictionaries For Life. Here our president is donating the books in the summer of 2013.
(We also give general help in the community including gardening projects at Willowbrook and Kings Ford Junior Schools, clearing footpaths and rubbish collection)
'What We Do' Main Pages:
RYLA is a fun based activity course designed to introduce students to and build on their existing leadership skills to enable them to grow as young people and accept responsibility within their own community.
moreWe also donate monies to various charities from events and collections made throughout the year including - Colchester General Hospital Charity Cancer Support & The 2019 Club, SSAFA, Age Uk (Colchester), EACH abd Building Malawi