Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)

RYLA is a fun based activity course designed to introduce students to and build on their existing leadership skills to enable them to grow as young people and accept responsibility within their own community.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club again supported The RYLA with Lyn Barton being our point of contact

RYLA is a fun based activity course designed to introduce students to and build on their existing leadership skills to enable them to grow as young people and accept responsibility within their own community.

Blues and Rock in the Garden 
in aid of Building Malawi

a selection of photographes taken at our events, from formal to social.


We also donate monies to various charities from events and collections made throughout the year including - Colchester General Hospital Charity Cancer Support & The 2019 Club, SSAFA, Age Uk (Colchester), EACH abd Building Malawi


Our Club was Chartered in 2001, as the first breakfast and dual gender club in Colchester with a similar number of men and women. We pride ourselves on being a forward-thinking, innovative club that puts a large amount of importance on fun & felowship
