Local Charities supported in the past

Local Charities


Age Concern Weoley Castle

Age Concern Weoley Castle 
Services provided include, Information and Advice, a bathing advisory service for those who have problems bathing or showering, including a home visit from an Occupational Therapist who will make an assessment and arrange for the appropriate equipment to be provided. Grants can also be possible to help with the purchase of items or to install a shower. Day centre facilities include a

  • Men's Club,
  • Visually Impaired Club,
  • Depression/Anxiety Group,
  • group for Afro-Caribbean women,
  • Euro Club for women born in Continental Europe,
  • Cardi-Act Group that is an exercise session for those who have had a heart attack.
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Birmingham Museum

in support of the Staffordshire Hoard

Cross Roads Care is Britain's leading provider of support for carers and the people they care for. Crossroads Care work with over 35,000 individuals and their families, helping carers make a life of their own outside caring.

Edward Trust


Provides :

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Community Involvement


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Please come to one of our meetings to find out what we are about. Rotarians from other clubs will always be welcome. It would be helpful for the caterers if you could let the Secretary know of your intent to visit, especially if you have particular dieta


We normally meet on alternate Monday evenings at 7:30 pm Jonathan's in the Park has recently closed so we are trying out other venues and often meet by Zoom

Some of our recently joined members

Join us at one of our meetings on Monday evening to see what we are all about.


Every year we meet up with our German partner club for a weekend
