Saturday 5th October was the day chosen by the Rotary Club of Guernsey to hold its Philiwheels buggy collection day. To say it was a success is an understatement with 60 buggies and 6 wheel chairs donated and loaded ready for shipment early in November.
Apart from the obvious thank you to the general public of Guernsey who once again came up trumps, responding to an appeal, I have a list of people who made this day possible. First to thank is Steve from White and Co without whose generous loan of the van and agreement to store and ship the buggies to the UK free of charge none of this would have been possible.
I also have to thank new Rotarian Nathan Silk (and Rebecca and the family) for not only organising the day, but being part of the GSE team responsible for this fabulous initiative and last but least the team from the club, John Campbell, Alan Child, Paul Mees, Sue Mees and Paul Steer who helped out throughout the day.
PS great Lemon Drizzle cake Jocelyn.
Please click here for more information on Philiwheels.
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