Watch this space for details.
more Monday 25th April 2016 6pm
more This annual competition between Ipswich Wolsey and Bury Abbey Rotary Clubs has become a fierce struggle for supremacy. This year we are taking to the Pool Tables at Pot Black on Eastgate Street
more You don't know where you are going or who your guests might be or what you are going to get to eat. Brilliant fun!!
more Come and celebrate Bury Abbey Rotary Club's Charter Night at The Farmers Club. Black Tie of course.
more Ever popular Ten Pin Bowling. Do you dare accept the challenge??
more A trip to the only English whisky distillery (that we know of that is).
more Come and see what Bury Abbey Rotary Club is about and take part in our fun wine tasting quiz.
more Trina hands over the presidency to Chris.
back This is where club social gatherings that are not business meetings or fundraisers are advertised.