Scott Elliot: Mhairi Trickett - Kenya revisited as a tourist.

Thu, Jan 15th 2015 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Weekly meeting with local member giving talk

On a dreich, winter evening the Rotary Club was taken away to a land of endless sunshine when Vice President Mairhi Trickett put on a slide show of her family trip to Kenya 8 years ago to celebrate a special birthday.  She had been in the country 40 years ago when she was a nurse doing voluntary work among the Kenyans so the trip was very nostalgic for her and enlightening for her family.  She visited the Medical Centre at Olooseos, now sadly closed down, but her small house in the clearing was still there although now empty.  They also visited Kikuyu Hospital where she was also based and it had been much developed.  Disappointingly, she never met any of the friends she had made all those years ago and they had either moved or passed on.  A 4-day Safari in the Tsavo Game Park was wonderful and she showed her tremendous photographs of wild life and big game all taken at close quarters.  The trip was rounded up at a beach resort at Mombasa much enjoyed by the party.  Many questions were generated after which Past President Scott Elliot gave the vote of thanks.  President Sandy Bannerman was in the chair and welcomed visitor Dr George Thorburn, a guest of his father Past President Jock.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

A summary of Hawick Rotary's work with the community during 2020, despite the problems of Coronavirus and Lockdowns

2019-20 President Linden Warburton and Treasurer Scott Elliot (centre) meet with Polysport representatives Libby Kennedy (right) and Greg Cuthbert (left)

Hawick Rotary Club has been able to obtain funding for the restoration of the village's Polysport facility after it was inundated by floodwater


Some info on the entertaining activities we get up to!


This Committee focuses on international aid and projects


Our Vocational & Community Committee concentrates on supporting local community groups and on youth activities, often in collaboration with Hawick High School and with Primary Schools in the town.


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