Friends of Rainhill Rotary


Have you ever considered becoming involved in some aspect of community work?

Rainhill Rotary Club members invite you to lend a hand in some of their activities.

Rainhill Rotary Club runs the popular Rainhill Beer Festival in October each year & in December we do our Christmas collections with the Santa Sleigh around the streets & at Supermarkets.

In addition, we help other organisations in their charitable activities such as.....

It is not necessary to be a member to participate, as we now welcome Friends to be associated with our work.

Why not become a Friend?

If you are interested then contact Rainhill Rotary via the link below or email:

John ChapmanContact John Chapman about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

During January & February President, Dave Roberts makes 5 presentations to various local groups following the bequest received in memory of Alan Richardson.
