Rotary Holidays for Children Trust

Every year there is a total of about £2000 in grants available to Rotary Clubs in District 1200. Hundreds of deserving children have enjoyed holidays supported by this Rotary Trust

Hundreds of deserving children have enjoyed holidays supported by this Rotary Trust

Every year there is a total of about £2000 in grants available to Rotary Clubs in District 1200. Applications for a grant must be made on the Letter of Intent form as early as possible and before the holiday is taken describing the scheme and giving the information on the type of holiday, number of children involved, expected cost, amount to be provided by the Club and the amount of Grant requested. The full cost of the holiday will be met by the Club following which a claim made on the Claim form supported by the relevant documentation is made to the Trust. All completed forms should be sent to :- Stewart Evans (District 1200 Trustee for the Rotary Holiday for Children Trust), e-mail

Downloadable Forms



Where's the money come from?

Historical note
extracted from PP John Horler's booklet
 'Our Club, 1921 - 1980' 

During the 30’s the work of the Boys House which had been started in the year John Hodge was President (1923) increased to such an extent that the original house at 13 South Road became inadequate and a larger house at was purchased, to accommodate 25 boys. Throughout the decade The Boys House as it was affectionately known was the club’s major project, with the house management committee being responsible for the day to day running of the house, its staff and the welfare of its guests. 

The Boy’s House in wartime must have run under almost insuperable difficulties, with transport interruptions, the blackout, and food and clothing rationing. It is reported that ladies of the Inner Wheel gave some of their own coupons to provide linen and mending materials. The inadequacy of the accommodation at the Boys’ House was becoming increasingly evident, and with the House Silver Jubilee due in 1949 it was decided to launch an appeal. On 14th September 1950 the welcoming of the 10,000th boy to stay in the House gave added momentum to the appeal.

The Boy’s House Silver Jubilee project was finally completed in December 1953 with the opening of the new house in South Road. The house was an imposing Victorian mansion with a superb panoramic view of the sea coast in front and backed by the wide acres of Worlebury Woods. The house could adequately cope with 40 to 45 boys and had been modernized with a new dormitory and ablution block.

By 1974 the Boys’ House Golden Jubilee Fund topped £30,000, but all was not well. The Management Committee were faced with escalating costs in running the house, salaries for the Warden and Matron and other members of the staff rose considerably and sponsoring clubs were finding is harder to carry the financial burden. Changes in social attitudes together with legislation reduced the capacity of the house adding to the financial worries. Two current members of the club, PP Gordon Evans and PP John Horler were on the House Committee when in 1979 the decision was taken to close the house, which was ultimately sold and the proceeds invested in a new and wider  Trust for Children. This Trust continues to this day and provides grants each year to clubs within the owning districts for holidays for youngsters. Up to the time that the house closed almost 30,000 boys had benefited from a holiday. Innumerable members of the Rotary and Inner Wheel Club’s had given their time and talents, none more so than Jim Hall (of Slocombe & Hall) who was Chairman of the House Committee for a number of years and the late Alex Wilson who was the House Secretary between 1953 and 1975.     

Stewart EvansContact Stewart Evans about this page:

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Weston Rotary was formed in October 1921 after a meeting at Brown's Café. Have a look at our Pictorial Presentation below - 100 Years of Weston Rotary


This is an annual event we organise to support local Charities and organisations. They have the opportunity to promote themselves, seek volunteers and raise funds by selling gifts.

Easter Party 25

Every year we put on an Easter Party for Weston's super Seniors. Afternoon Tea, entertainment, a glass of sherry and an Easter Egg

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Hundreds of deserving children have enjoyed holidays supported by this Rotary Trust

Every year there is a total of about £2000 in grants available to Rotary Clubs in District 1200. Hundreds of deserving children have enjoyed holidays supported by this Rotary Trust


A Charity fun day for Dogs and their families Come and join us. Help raise money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary and other local Charities.


Our main fundraiser which has raised over £200,000 NEXT EVENT - Thursday 31st July 2025


Our chosen charities for 2023/24 are: Children's Hospice South West - Alzheimer's Society and Cancer Research UK.

As well as our support to the local community we are involved in International Projects, The Eradication of Polio, Clean Water in Uganda, Funding small business enterprises through loans via KIVA

As well as our support to the local community we are involved in International Projects, The Eradication of Polio, Clean Water in Uganda, Funding small business enterprises through loans via KIVA See details in the Related Pages
