Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Luddites at the House of Friendship 82nd District 1040 Conference Oct 16th/18th 2015 Scarborough |
This year Birstall Luddies in partnership with Fairfield School had
their own stall in the House
of Friendship at the District Conference. The stall centred on Fairfield School and the toys that Luddite Colin Wall as been adapting this includes a large saucer switch that the pupils can operate. Tracey Fillan represented Fairfield School and through the day with President Margaret, Rotarian Helen and Colin manned the stall. They explained to visitors the aims of the school, they showed and gave demos with the toys that Colin had modified. A raffle also raised funds. Also being demonstrated was a Eye Gazer tablet computer system which President Margaret has as a target to buy for the school at the end of her year in office. In Saturday afternoon Breakout Sessions in the Spa Music Rooms Willie Clark ran the Community and Vocation session. In this session Fairfields Tracy gave a talk about Kids Out and Birstall Luddites involvement in running the day excursion to Lightwater Valley. Birstall Luddites involvement with Fairfield was highlighted with Santa sleigh visits to Fairfield so the club gained credit for Willies Rotary in the Community. |
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Pictured in the Hall of
Friendship Fairfield Stall are on left Adam from Fairfield tech dept, Rotarian Helen, Tracy Fillan from Fairfield and President Margaret. |
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Toys from Fairfield that Rotarian
Colin had modified showing the large saucer switches fitted to enable the pupils to easily use. |
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Outside the House of Friendship in
the main Spa Grand Hall the Plenary Sessions were in progress through Saturday and Sunday morning. Controlling the sessions on stage, lighting, video and background images was Rotarian Luddite, our Secretary, Past District Governor and District technical expert Keith Davison.Seen here at the main stage control desk. |
Some of the Rotary and Charity good causes below. |
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School in a Bag
Each bag costs £15. School in a Bag is a simple solution created to help poor, orphan, vulnerable and disaster affected children throughout the world. Each SchoolBag is filled with stationery equipment and resources that will enable a child to write, draw, colour, calculate, express themselves and above all learn. Each SchoolBag delivered to a child will give hope to his or her future and has the potential to transform their lives. LINK School in a Bag and Video |
![]() Willie Clark at District Conference talking about Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and asking for volunteers to sing in the Choir at the coming Concert on Dec 5th at St Andrews Church Batley in aid of MNDA LINK .District 1040 MNDA Appeal |
Rotary in Yorkshire has launched an District Community Chairman Willie Clark made a
powerful presentation to District Council about Motor Neurone Disease
(MND). He was aided by a Rotarian currently suffering from the disease, |
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The Wheelchair Foundation UK is a non-profit organisation that seeks to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult who needs one, but cannot afford one bringing new independence to those deprived of mobility by war, disease, accident, natural disaster or advanced age. Your £75 or €90 donation will sponsor, ship and deliver a wheelchair to a person in need wherever in the world.Yorkshire Tea Bar Code Programme The bar code support grows at a pace and over 117 wheelchairs have now been sponsored.
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Disaster Aid UK & Ireland is formally recognised by Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) and is part of Disaster Aid International(DAI). DAI is an international organisation, involving Rotary Clubs around the world, Life Boxes Family Suvival Kit SkyHydrant are all parts of the Disaster Aid Charity and is managed by the Rotary Club of Denton and Audenshaw. LINK Disaster Aid
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Literacy in a Box Trust
Run by Rotary Club of Plymouth. aim - To advance education in schools, primarily, but not exclusively, in Zambia and in sub-Saharan Africa. A Box costs £295 and contains enough materials for 25 children. LINK Literacy in a Box |
more Enjoy Prosecco and Strawberries - Hosts President Margaret and Nigel at 3 Lamplands Batley, 2-4pm £5.
more End of year get together Safari Lunch .
more End of Year Presidents BBQ Party,
more Pupils from Fairfield School are taken for a day at Lightwater Valley.
more Luddites and partners were invited to 3 Lamplands Upper Batley at 16:00 hours for President Margaret's BBQ
more Visit to Fairfield School 6.45 for 7.00 Buffet will be provided (small cost).
more The club members met at the main entrance to IKEA Birstall and left there at 12:30 prompt. Walked for 1 and half hours. Lunched at Ives Blue Hills Farm at 14:30,
more Birstall Luddites Club visit to the Rotary Club of Guernsey.
more Robert Jacksons Walk for "End Polio Now".
more Club Charter Night 2014
more Murder Mystery at Healds Hall Hotel in aid of Kirkwood Hospice. Includes a 3 course dinner, be a detective and work out the clues.
more Equine Pathways UK followed by meal
more Outside Visit to Holmfirth Vineyard.
more End of Year BBQ held at David and Mandys Home 27 Batley Field Hill.
more Mystery Weekend
more Blue Hills Farm shop Cafe lunch and walk.
more Santa Sleigh travels 2013
more Meet 13.00 for a walk around Birkenshaw. Farm House Breakfast lunch at 14:30.
more Walk in Saltaire ~ meet visitor centre 10:45
more Birstall Luddite Rotarian John Broadhead The Great War And the Part My Father Played in it
more Visit to EMLEY MOOR STATION UHF transmitter site for most of Yorkshire.
more Tour de Yorkshire visits Birstall
more Remembrance Day - President Jeremy laid a poppy wreath at the war Memorial in Birstall St Peters cemetery
more Conference Scarborough 12 - 14th October Spa Complex.
more Club Speaker - Ian Fillan - Hallmarks
more Club Speaker Margaret Arthurs - How I became a Dentist.
more Fairfield School Sunshine Sports Day
more Club Speaker Sara Hay Dogs Trust with Cocoa. Partners invited
more Annual Seat of Knowledge Quiz
more Santa Sleigh collection - St Thomas Church - Touring Lamplands and York Road arriving at St Thomas Church Sun 18th followed by carol service.
more Club Speaker John Mackail - Anniversary of D day - "The enormity of that One Day"
more Club speaker Robert Jackson - update on the Yorkshire School in Sri Lanka project.
more Club Council Meeting
more Wreath laying at St Peters Church war memorial.
more Batley Rotary Club held a "Worlds Greatest Meal" at their weekly meeting.
more Walk with lunch details to follow
more Luddite Rotarian Paul Barns is the Speaker Finder. Club Speakers 2014/15. Visit this link to view the club speakers in this current Rotary year.
more Club Handover & Presentations
more Mystery outing Sat 18 May details to follow
more Meet at Power Station to start the visit at 19:00.
more Second annual new Rotary year walk, promoting club and family friendship.
more Visit to Rounday Park Gardens
more Club outside visit to Huddersfield Astronomical Society public open evening.
more Outside visit - A Leeds City walk "The West Side Story".
more Outside Visit Hollybank School
more Mystery Weekend 2013.
more Outside Visit to Ossett Brewery. Meet 19:30. Ossett Brewery Kings Road off Healey Road Ossett WF5 8ND
more Club visit - Tour of Fulneck Settlement Church & Museum Pudsey.
more Quiz night at Batley Grammar School. Teams of six plus BOBooze
more Valentines Evening
more Seat of Knowlege Quiz held at Healds Hall
more Seat of Knowledge Quiz
more Outside Visit to Robertos Batley
more Mystery Weekend Treasure Hunt
back Club Admin.