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One of the programmes we support is the Global initiative to rid the world of polio, known as Polio Plus. The work is spearheaded by Rotary working with the World Health Organisation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and over the last 30 years the number of polio endemic countries has been reduced from 129 to just 2 – Pakistan and Afghanistan – by vaccinating more than 2.5 billion children.
Rotarians remain committed to complete eradication of Polio and in this centenary year for Rotary Foundation we are participating in the Purple 4 Polio campaign under which 6 million crocus corms will be planted in areas across Britain to raise awareness and funds.
Under the guidance of club member Jane Stedman, children at the Green Oak School in Godalming did a magnificent job planting a total of 5000 corms in a reserved area of the school grounds. The Head Groundsman, Ian Macdonald, selected and prepared the area and with the help of the Rotarians made the holes and supervised the planting with each class of children taking its turn. Jane explained to the children the importance of eliminating polio and presented some with crocus emblems.
The children really enjoyed doing the planting and are excited about seeing the flowers emerge next spring.
more In late October 2019 a group of Woolsack Rotarians and volunteers from Rodborough School planted crocuses in support of Rotary's Global End Polio Now Campaign
more At the Rotary District 1145 meeting on 27 October, it was announced that 23 clubs in the district had donated more than $1,500 in the last year to the End Polio Now campaign
more One of the 65 established Rotary Fellowships is the Rotary Retro Automobile Fellowship for classic car enthusiasts
back The Rotary Foundation is Rotary's own charity which the club supports each year through different programmes