Background information on Rotary in Guernsey

Rotary was created in 1905 in Chicago by Paul Harris, who suggested to his business friends that they should meet regularly in one another's offices and so create fellowship from which they could do good in the community. This rotation of meeting places led to the choice of the name Rotary.

It is a SERVICE organisation of business and professional leaders united world-wide in the ideal of 'Service above Self'. Its objective is to help the needy, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and work towards world understanding and peace. It has no religious or political affiliations.

It has approximately 1.2 million members in more than 32,400 clubs world-wide, which any Rotarian is welcome to visit. Membership is by invitation, but Rotarians are free to tell their friends all about it and encourage them to apply. Its members come from a wide range of interests and use their influence in their particular fields to help Rotary serve the community.

In 2001 Rotary International decreed that Rotary Clubs should not discriminate or otherwise limit membership in the club on the basis of gender, race, colour, creed or national origin. Therefore all applications for membership are treated equally

In recent years Rotary world-wide has applied itself to the virtual elimination of polio in children. It also holds 'Eye Camps' where qualified Rotarians in countries such as India have saved the sight of thousands of people. It involves itself wherever it sees a need, such as giving relief after a tsunami.

The Rotary Club of Guernsey was formed in 1923 and was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bournemouth. We belong to Rotary District 1110 that covers the middle south of England and the Channel Islands. Our founder Paul Harris visited us in 1937.

We meet for lunch every Wednesday at the Wellington Boot and have speakers, except at our monthly business meeting. Members attend as regularly as possible to strengthen friendship. There is an annual membership fee. 

Our President serves for a year and has a President Elect to follow him and a President Nominee. They head a Council comprising the Secretary, Treasurer and chairs of the various committees.

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