Since then we have erected the plate smashing stall at about 14 events in Godalming and Fancombe. Typically these have been the town fairs and the stall has provided enjoyment to parents and children alike giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their skill at throwing a cricket ball and the rewarding sound of success, breaking crockery.
None of this would have been possible without the support initially of Harrison Hire and since 2014 Shorts Plant Hire, and particularly their manager Steve Keene, who have been wonderful in providing the scaffolding and tarpaulins that protect the public.
The pictures show Rtn Michael adopting the classic 'pitcher' position prior to missing all the jugs! and Rtns Joani, Seymour and Mike helping to run the stall.
Many thanks to Shorts without whom this would not have been possible and we hope we will be able to continue with plate smashing stalls again next year. Please visit their website:
more Unfortunately due to the adverse weather conditions this year's Duck Race & Fair scheduled for Saturday 7th September has had to be cancelled. See below for further details.
more Thank you to all those who supported our 19th annual charity golf day and raised almost £4,250 in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care and our ‘Cut Out Cancer’ campaign. The coveted Rose Bowl was won by Colin Stokes team from Milford Golf Club.
more Our ever popular charity fund raiser at West Surrey Golf Club
more A celebration of the May Day weekend on The Burys, Godalming
more Following the death of Her Majesty the Queen, we took the difficult decision to cancel the Duck Race consistent with the period of National Mourning. We selected the winners by draw instead. We plan to be back on the water in 2023.
more Our annual charity golf day, was held on 3rd May 2018 at West Surrey Golf Club
more Woolsack Whippetts went over the Dome
back We like to provide some financial support to charities and other good causes in their work, so we have a programme of fundraising each year for this purpose.