This year's Charity Lunch was in aid of President Cliff's chosen charity, the North Devon Hospice's Long House in Holsworthy. We were pleased to welcome Kevin Underwood, Chairman of the Hospice's Board of Trustees, who gave the club an update on activity at the Long House.
As you can see, a few members succumbed to the temptation of Farmer Tom's ice cream after lunch!
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In which Intrepid club members tackled a walk on Dartmoor to Sourton Tor and the nearby site of the old ice works.
moreThe Club organised a concert by the Barnstaple Male Voice Choir, with some guest soloists, on Saturday 4th November, in aid of this year's President's Charity, the North Devon Hospice's Long House.
more22 members, partners and friends visited Alder Vineyard for a vineyard tour, wine tasting and cream tea on Sunday 18 September.
morePhotographs from the annual Strawberry Tea, held in the Memorial Hall in Holsworthy on Saturday 13 June.
moreHolsworthy Show 2014
morel to r has Ivor Gifford (organiser), Roger Young (overall winner), President Ray Hockin, John Westaway (winner Division 1), Mike Bridgman (best Rotarian and organiser).
moreYouth Activites
moreClub Council
moreCommunity & vocational