Handover / Partners night

Tue, Jul 2nd 2019 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Handover Evening held at Woodham Golf Club On Tuesday 2nd July

Handover Evening 2019

 At a dinner in Woodham Golf Club, attended by Rotarians and guests, the Rotary chain of office was passed on by outgoing president Jon Bean to incoming president Jean Thompson. She joined Rotary in 2001 when it became dual gender and in 2009, was the club’s first female president. The following year Jean received a Paul Harris Fellowship which recognises a significant contribution to Rotary. Jean was appointed Assistant District Governor and then in 2014 became District Governor. She was joined last night by her daughter, Katy Seeni, and son and daughter-in-law, Steve and Gill Thompson. The president’s award, named in honour of Syd Howarth, was presented by Rtn. Jon Bean to Rtn. John Burrows for the amazing amount of work he does towards the annual Model Railway Exhibition.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

A couple of months ago, Bernard Borsberry visited Rotary Newton Aycliffe to speak about his recent trip away and how he became interested in supporting youth football in a distant land.


ay, our President David Hogg visited Five Acres Community Garden and presented Manager, Charlote Iceton with a cheque towards their 'Fund a Fence' project.


Rotary was able to assist Great Aycliffe Cancer Care Group with the provision of a card reader for their newly opened hub.


Rotary Newton Aycliffe recently hosted a visit from volunteers of ManHealth.


At last, Rotary Newton Aycliffe’s very own group of Rotakids have been able to meet and discuss their plans for the future


During 2022, with the help of our County Councillors and funding from the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership - GAMP, Rotary Newton Aycliffe bought a trailer, and it was a natural progression to then make the decision to have a new Santa Sleigh.


This collage of photographs illustrate more graphically some of the things we have done and continue to do each year.


MRI Scanner Appeal and Unwanted mobile Phones for Polio Eradication
