Children in Need

Booths Staff and Rotarians
Left to right, Store Manager Ben Cross, Cory Donaldson, Rebecca Mason, Mel Lister, Irene England, Joe Preston, Lauren Hill, Rotarian Peter Irving, Gaynor Stephenson, with Rotarian Graham Pudsey

Booths Staff and Rotarians

The Rotary Club of Lunesdale/Booths & Children In Need
On Friday 15th November the Rotary Club of Lunesdale with a very prominent Pudsey collected all day outside Booths store in Kirkby Lonsdale. We raised over £1150 for Children in Need

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Booths Staff and Rotarians

Booths Staff and Rotarians Left to right, Store Manager Ben Cross, Cory Donaldson, Rebecca Mason, Mel Lister, Irene England, Joe Preston, Lauren Hill, Rotarian Peter Irving, Gaynor Stephenson, with Rotarian Graham Pudsey

Presentation of Certificate to Booths Manager

Lilian Barton, our outgoing President, presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Booths Manager Aga Zoltak.

The club has been collecting old spectacles and hearing aids from their local communities following a District initiative by Past District Governor Welma Robinson. The spectacles will be sorted for onward conveyance to South Africa.

Assistant Governor John McGill receives a donation of spectacles and hearing aids from Rotary Club of Lunesdale Secretary Richard Parsons

Presentation to outgoing President

Club President Nigel Pullen presented outgoing President Lilian Barton with a beautiful bowl of flowers in appreciation for her year in office.

Crocus 2019

Planted by members in 2016 to recognise 'Purple 4 Polio'. The corms flower again in 2020.

Gloria On One Of er Exploratory Dives
Together with the three books

Gloria Barnett's talk to the Club has resulted in donations of her books being given to all the Primary Schools in our area.


President Elect Nigel Pullen inducts new Rotarian Chris Newton into the Rotary Club of Lunesdale.


At our 2023/24 handover meeting, outgoing President Dave Tuohy installed Lilian Barton as President for 2023/24. Lilian had held the role of President before but her year in office was blighted by Covid restrictions. She is going to try again!

President Nigel Pullen invests President Elect David Nugent

Club President Nigel Pullen invests David Nugent as President Elect at a meeting in the Highwayman Burrow.


Postponed until later in the year

Booths Manager and Staff with Rotary Club of Lunesdale Santa and sleigh.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this years Rotary Christmas Santa Sleigh Collection. A total of £1,700 was collected which will help our Rotary Club support good causes.

President Nigel presents certificate of Honorary Membership

President Nigel Pullen presents Past President Lilian Barton with a certificate of honorary membership.

Club Meetings

Speakers who have made presentations to our Club


President Lilian Barton installs Nigel Pullen as President Elect for 2023/24

Nigel Pullen invested as new Club President for 2024/25

Our President, Lilian Barton has invested Nigel Pullen as the Club President for 2024/25 at the Highwayman, Burrow where we were joined by friends from Lancaster, Lancaster Loyne and Carnforth Rotary Clubs.


President Lilian Barton presented a Paul Harris Fellowship and Honorary Membership to our most senior member, Stuart Slater, in recognition of his contribution to Rotary for over 50 years.


President Nigel Pullen presents Past President Lilian Barton with a certificate of honorary membership.


Past President John Clare inducts our newest member, Martin Jebb into the Rotary Club.
