Eco Toilet Projects in Malawi

Rotary Becket are helping in the funding and building of Agro-Toilets (Eco Toilets) in schools in Malawi in conjunction with local Rotary Clubs

Agro Toilets

During our visits to Malawi we have seen the enormous benefits in improved health from a simple low cost eco-toilet. These work by saving human waste and with virtually no further treatment using the product to improve the quality of the local soil. When the toilets have been built, cases of dysentry have fallen by nearly 90% and crops grown on treated land are measurably better.
Our current plans are to fund and build more eco-toilets in Malawi schools and to support an educational programme to ensure their correct use.
Each toilet costs £850 to construct a two cubicle unit. If you feel able to support us in this valuable work please do make a donation.


August 2020 Update email from 

Lustico Benjamin


Hello Terry, John and Roy,

It's been a while since I wrote to you, hope you're doing great.

I write this letter on behalf of the community leaders, school managers, teachers as well as on my own, I would like to report that construction of the much awaited toilets at Mbingwa school has been completed and this has given the school a new face with two toilet blocks (with two semi detached toilets each) at the school and one toilet built at the local lead farmer. These toilets has set a new beginning in as far as hygiene of learners and teachers is concerned. Due to this, the school is likely to register a rise in the enrollment of learners since most of grown up learners were dropping out due to lack of sanitary toilets. Some learners were even forced to be going to far away schools just because they were feeling ashamed to be diffeacating in the nearby bushes. 

The project has run so smoothly due to the cooperation among all involved stack holders i.e. the contractor (George), the school management committee members, chiefs and the head teacher as well as teachers. Community members did a great job in providing bricks, sand and supplying of water on time throughout the project.

'Unlike other schools in Lilongwe, Mbingwa school managers have been instrumental in the project,' this is according to the contractor (George Kaipsa) who also said that people of Mbingwa were willing to work with him without any problems and they were so friendly to him.

According to my own experience, Mbingwa community members have been the most effective people to work with. They are so organized and ready to offer their time and energy to help their children to learn in a conducive environment. As of now they have already started moulding bricks to replace the ones used for the toilet project, so that they have a start up for the future projects, since the school need a lot of renovations in terms of classes and other infrastructures.

It is the wish of all of us to see you coming here at Mbingwa school to appreciate the great job you have done and see the challenges it is facing and see how seriously    affecting the learners, hopefully you might help. Community members also want you to come over here so that they could be able to appreciate you on the great job well done at Mbingwa school.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

With regards

Lustico Benjamin"

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Agro Toilets

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