Penrith Rotary - Charter Night 2020 on ZOOM
In these unprecedented times Penrith Rotary’s 74th annual Charter celebration, the club’s birthday party, had to move online. On the night we were joined by a total of 57 members and guests who were distributed across 3 screens on ZOOM.
President Charlie Shepherd opened the evening by welcoming members and guests and explaining the format of the evening. This consisted of a minimum of Rotary formalities followed by the main event, our speaker Alan Hinkes OBE.
District Governor Welma Robinson talked briefly about some of the projects and events that Penrith Rotary organise in a normal year. She also encouraged guests to have a look at the Penrith club website to see a more detailed picture of our work.
After Welma, our speaker for the evening was the world-renowned mountaineer Alan Hinkes OBE. We were delighted earlier this year when Alan agreed to join Penrith Rotary as an Honorary Member. Even before this, after a chance meeting in Penrith, he had been supporting the club’s efforts for several years on social media. During this time he has helped to raise our social media profile, especially on Twitter.
Alan was the first Briton to climb the world's 14 highest mountains, all over 8000M and is part of an exclusive club of climbers who have achieved this feat.
His talk was entitled – “Himalayan Climbing: Everest, K2 & all 14 8000M”
Clearly Alan has an amazing story to tell and we were enthralled for about an hour as he presented photographs and video clips of his exploits in the high mountains of the Himalaya and Karakorum. Interestingly Alan, who lives in Yorkshire spends a lot of time in the Lakes where one of his favourite climbs is Helvellyn.
Alan’s chosen charity for the night was Swaledale MRT Command Vehicle Fund. They are trying to raise £80000 to purchase and convert a VW van into a mobile command centre to replace the converted horsebox they currently use for this purpose. Hopefully we will have helped in some small way towards this goal.
As the night drew to a close we hoped that we had managed to achieve our objectives for the event.
Anyone who would like more information about Rotary can contact us via
'What We Do' Main Pages:
What is Rotary
moreWe're looking for more men and women of all ages and backgrounds to join Penrith Rotary, to use their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improving the lives of people in their local communities and others around the world.
moreInternational Committee page for the Rotary Club of Penrith
moreRotary Penrith Community and Vocational Projects
moreRotary's own charity the Rotary Foundation
moreGolf Tournament
morePenrith Rotary walks for Pudsey
moreThe Rotary Club of Penrith invites you to enter a team in our Swimathon. This fun event is intended to provide you with an opportunity to raise funds for your own preferred charity, good cause, club or team – or for this year’s Rotary supported charities
moreRotary Ride for Prostate Cancer
moreAnnual reports giving details of fundraising undertaken and charities supported during the year.