Mercy Ships Challenge - Accepted and Exceeded!

We are all delighted that the Mercy Ships Challenge to raise $1 has been completed

Dear Rotary Friends,

As I stood on the stage in Nottingham at the Rotary Great Britain and Ireland Show Case in May 2019 and issued the challenge to pursue a Million Dollar Global Grant to support the work of Mercy Ships, I didn't know how things would work out. Was it wishful thinking to dare to dream that Rotarians would be inspired to change the health outcomes of a whole continent?

What has transpired reminds us all that dreams can become reality, that sometimes voicing a wish can make that wish come true.

So I write to you today to say Thank You - thanking you for being the inspiration that enable your club to catch the vison and make a contribution to the Mercy Ships Global Grant.

All those contributions added up to a Global Grant of $1.25 million - a sum pf money that will change the lives of thousands of individuals where the Global Mercy will be deployed. But it is not just those individuals that will be given the opportunity of a new life - their families and their community will be changed too, and the health outcomes of a nation will be changed for the better.

Thank you for being the inspiration that has connected the world, and now Rotary and Mercy Ships will be opening opportunities not just this year but for years to come, to bring health and healing to some of the poorest nations in the world.

Debbie Hodge
President of Rotary Great Britain and Ireland 2018-19

We are delighted to announce that the Rotary Foundation Global Grant for $1.125 million has been approved. This grant will pay for a brand new state of the art CT scanner, and other equipment, onboard the Global Mercy which launches next year. This is the world’s first purpose built hospital ship and will double the impact on healthcare systems throughout west Africa.

The Global Mercy is the largest purpose-built NGO hospital ship. It will double the impact of Mercy Ships on healthcare systems throughout West Africa.

The money will provide a range of sophisticated medical equipment for Decks 3 & 4: the ship’s hospital decks with six operating theatres, three infection isolation rooms, 147 ward beds, six post-operative recovery beds and four intensive care beds. It will also provide training and education for local healthcare workers.

Joanne Balaam, Mercy Ships UK Acting Executive Director says:-

"Mercy Ships is delighted to continue our long-standing partnerships with Rotary internationally. The Global Grant of $1.125M will fund equipment onboard our new teaching hospital, Global Mercy, to realise a shared vision as we increase our capacity with this addition to our fleet: to build self-sustaining health care systems, to change and save significantly more lives than ever before, and to leave a lasting legacy across the countries of Africa. To everyone who donated to this incredible campaign from all around the world, your gift truly makes a difference: Thank you!"


Henry Clarke, Mercy Ships UK Chairman, who some of use heard at Conference this year said:- 

“Mercy Ships UK is privileged to be partnering once again with Rotary International. Ever since the first partnership with Rotary back in 2006, I have been truly amazed at the unwavering commitment and depth of interest of so many Rotarians in the life changing surgical work of Mercy Ships. The equipment that we are now able to procure and install within our new teaching hospital ship, Global Mercy, with the monies raised by hundreds of Rotary Clubs in the UK and overseas, will help to transform the lives of literally thousands of the world's most poor and needy who would otherwise be without hope. Thank you in advance on behalf of all those who you will have helped!”


Debbie Hodge PP Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland also said:-

"Little acts of kindness and generosity make a huge difference in an individuals life, but join up all that kindness and generosity and you can change the lives of whole communities, whole nations and even a whole continent. This Global Grant of 1.125 million dollars will do that! It will change the health outcomes in every country the Global Mercy visits and the legacy will be seen for generations to come. From Inspiration, to Connecting the World, and now Rotary Opens Opportunities to bring surgical care, education and training to West Africa. Thank you to the Grants Team of District 1260 and all who made a contributions, and the Mercy Ships team - our partners in making a difference."

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Lower Bygrave Defibrillator being installed

Installing Lower Bygrave Defibrillator

Dean & Mandy with President Keith Britter, Vice President Gary Blythe and Rotarian Thom Odd

Induction of new members Dean & Mandy Howard


Today we had a very interesting talk by Phillippa Parker about George Bernard Shaw, his wife, and friends they had in Hertfordshire. President Gary presented Phillippa with a cheque for £250 for her charity Beds and Herts Historical Churches Trust.

President Keith and Treasurer John Wilburn giving a cheque for £250 to Sue Drew

A talk on Macular Degeneration

Father Denis along with our President Gary Blyth and other members at the presentation of the Defibrillator

The defibrillator being presented


New member Fred Heginbotham was inducted by President Keith. Fred was member in Cape Town before coming back to England. Warmly welcomed to our Club

President Keith presenting a cheque to Marie Curie for £250

A talk given for Marie Curie by Charlotte Griggs accompanied by Pat and Warren Rosen.


A day trip to Brighton by some members of the Club

Mandy & Dean with President Keith Britter, Vice President Gary Blyth and Rotarian Thom Odd

Induction & welcome to new members, Mandy & Dean Howard


Foundation is Rotary International's own Charity Fund; the money is utilised to address major humanitarian problems around the world.


We welcome new members interested in having fun while 'giving something back' to the community. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm are the life blood of any organisation


International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.


Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community area.


An opportunity to get a litle insight into why Rotary is such a great organisation to be part of.


How Rotary has helped to eradicate Polio in the world. Baldock Rotary Club are proud to be part of this programme


An insight into how and when Baldock Rotary started in October 1953. Letchworth Club sponsored the new Baldock Club and the rest as they say is history...... Our Club has strengthened over the years, we trust it continues to exceed the vision set in 1953
