Take a look at membership

We welcome new members interested in having fun while 'giving something back' to the community. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm are the life blood of any organisation

Baldock Rotary  has a vibrant membership of 32 Rotarians

The Club is active in supporting  almost all of the areas that Rotary are involved with. We have a strong community ethos and support a wide area of groups and individuals both at home and internationally.         

Our Membership Committee

The committee has the responsibility for recruiting new members and ensuring that in their early days they are helped to integrate into the Club. Each new Rotarian has a "mentor" allocated providing the opportunity for advice and guidance where it is needed. However, by far the best way of mixing with Club members is just to get involved wherever you can, but always bearing in mind that you only do what you want to do and that which time permits.

Benefits of Membership

As a large and diverse organisation, Rotary provides individuals with the power to help those in need.There are countless opportunities to make a difference to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Fellowship -  In an increasingly complex world, Rotary maintains a simple philosophy - make friends and develop fellowship in your own community and throughout the world.

Giving back to the community -  Through Rotary, service to local and overseas communities is well organised and rewarding. If you like helping others, here is your chance to do something worthwhile and make a real difference.

Fun and entertainment -  Rotary is fun... a lot of fun. Every Rotary club arranges events that provide a welcome distraction to a hectic business life.

Business development - Networking opportunities are endless. Rotary consists of a cross-section from every business community and its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help each other and collectively help others.

Personal growth and development -  Membership of Rotary develops leadership, public speaking, social, business, personal and vocational skills as well as improving cultural awareness.

Continued learning -  Clubs organise programmes and weekly meetings to keep members informed about what is going on in the community, the country, and the world. Each meeting provides an opportunity to listen to different speakers on a variety of current topics.

Travel opportunities -  Every Rotarian is welcome,  even encouraged, to attend any of the Clubs in all nations and geographical regions. This bond creates an instant friendship wherever you are in the world. 

How to Join Rotary

If Rotary sounds like the organisation for you, we'd like to hear from you!

Please complete the form below and one of the Membership team will contact you as soon as possible so that we can suggest some 'open events' at the Club, where you can find out more and and ask all the questions you like.

When you join Rotary, you can be sure that the enormous sense of achievement that you will experience helping your local community - and even communities around the world - will be matched only by the fun that you will have doing it!

Our contact for membership enquiries is Michael Muir. Telephone No. 01462 892222 


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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Dean & Mandy with President Keith Britter, Vice President Gary Blythe and Rotarian Thom Odd

Induction of new members Dean & Mandy Howard


Rotary Annual Jazz Concert

President Keith and Treasurer John Wilburn giving a cheque for £250 to Sue Drew

A talk on Macular Degeneration


Our 70th Anniversary Celebration


New member Fred Heginbotham was inducted by President Keith. Fred was member in Cape Town before coming back to England. Warmly welcomed to our Club

President Keith presenting a cheque to Marie Curie for £250

A talk given for Marie Curie by Charlotte Griggs accompanied by Pat and Warren Rosen.

Mandy & Dean with President Keith Britter, Vice President Gary Blyth and Rotarian Thom Odd

Induction & welcome to new members, Mandy & Dean Howard


District Governor Visit and Presentation of Paul Harris Fellowship Award


Foundation is Rotary International's own Charity Fund; the money is utilised to address major humanitarian problems around the world.


We welcome new members interested in having fun while 'giving something back' to the community. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm are the life blood of any organisation


International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.


Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community area.


An opportunity to get a litle insight into why Rotary is such a great organisation to be part of.


How Rotary has helped to eradicate Polio in the world. Baldock Rotary Club are proud to be part of this programme


An insight into how and when Baldock Rotary started in October 1953. Letchworth Club sponsored the new Baldock Club and the rest as they say is history...... Our Club has strengthened over the years, we trust it continues to exceed the vision set in 1953
