Club Centenary

The Centenary Year of the Club is now with us and plans have been made for a year of commemoration, celebration and raising the awareness of Rotary within the community.

The new Rotary year of the Club arrived in late June and it was heralded in with an afternoon tea and the unveiling of a commemorative plaque by the Management of Hotel de Havelet on 3rd July.

Our Centenary year was also marked by a reception kindly hosted at Government House on 28th July and a Congress weekend on 21/23 October to recognise the 100th anniversary of our first ever meeting.

The next 12 months will include plenty of opportunities to celebrate this milestone in the Club’s history as well as our regular meetings and social events

The formal Charter night will be held on 3rd March 2023 to officially mark the anniversary of receiving our Club charter from Rotary International.

Finally, the October/November issue of Connect Magazine has coverage of our Centenary which you can find on Pages 66 & 67 if you click HERE.

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Club Centenary sub-pages:

Enhancement of Japanese Pavilion site (December 2024)

more Inner Wheel donates 2 cherry trees.

Chain of Office (December 2024)

more The Chain of Office represents 100 years in the life of our Club.

New bench at the site of the Japanese Pavilion (August 2024)


Rotary Memorabilia


Centenary Flower Display

more Looking forward to seeing this in full bloom during the summer months.

Rotary Centenary display at National Trust Museum

more 100 Years of Rotary History. On display every day from Saturday 24th June.

New Defibrillator at the Hotel de Havelet (4 March 2023)

more Rotary in partnership with the Hotel de Havelet and local neighbours.

Centenary Charter Night (3 March 2023)

more Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Club gaining its Charter.

Centenary Celebrations Media Coverage (March 2023)

more Guernsey Press & BBC Radio Guernsey coverage.

Flying the Rotary Flag

more The Rotary Flag being flown from the mast on the Weighbridge round-about.

Centenary of the Rotary Club of Guernsey

more Celebrated on Stamps issued 15 February 2023

Congrès des Isles (2022)

more Friday 21 October to Sunday 23 October 2022

Planting of Inner Wheel Cherry Tree (Saturday 22 October 2022)

more The Tree was presented by the President and Members of Inner Wheel to mark the Centenary.

Launch of Centenary Year (28 July 2022)

more Reception at Government House launches Centenary Year.

Handover Afternoon Tea (3 July 2022)


The Japanese Pavilion (22 March 2022)

more Paths reinstated to provide unrestricted access for all.

Connect Magazine: Lead article on Rotary Pavilion Project

more The content speaks volumes!

The Japanese Pavilion restoration

more The Pavilion was officially opened by the Bailiff of Guernsey on Friday 17 September 2021. It is now fully accessible to the public following the project led by Rotary with the support of many in the community.

Donations towards the Japanese Pavilion Project

more A thank you to the donors

Saffery Rotary Walk Stand

more Two Rotary Clubs working together.