The slideshow shows the band at Preston Guildhall last year. Unfortunately there's not enough room for them to march in St Andrew's church.
For more information about the band follow the link to Army website and type kings division into thethe search engine to find the Band's website -
Alternatively follow the link in the links to other sites at the bottom of the main menu.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
What is Rotary
moreWe're looking for more men and women of all ages and backgrounds to join Penrith Rotary, to use their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improving the lives of people in their local communities and others around the world.
moreInternational Committee page for the Rotary Club of Penrith
moreRotary Penrith Community and Vocational Projects
moreRotary's own charity the Rotary Foundation
morePenrith Rotary walks for Pudsey
moreThe Rotary Club of Penrith invites you to enter a team in our Swimathon. This fun event is intended to provide you with an opportunity to raise funds for your own preferred charity, good cause, club or team – or for this year’s Rotary supported charities
moreGolf Tournament
moreRotary Ride for Prostate Cancer
moreAnnual reports giving details of fundraising undertaken and charities supported during the year.