Speaker Meeting

Wed, May 5th 2021 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Talk by Andy Lowndes on dementia

Andy Lowndes - Deputy Chair and ‘The Music Detective’ Playlist for Life

Andy is a former psychiatric nurse and a retired academic from Glasgow Caledonian University. Around five years ago Andy founded Playlist for Life with writer and broadcaster Sally Magnusson following Sally’s experience in caring for her mother.

As ‘the Music Detective,’ Andy goes to the homes of people with dementia and works with families and carers to identify Personally Meaningful Music for the person with the disease. In this presentation Andy will present real life examples supporting the growing international research that shows such music can have almost magical results as part of an individuals care.

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The satellite club is for anyone who enjoys meeting new people and getting involved in giving something back to the community - both locally and internationally.
