Volunteers meeting

Tue, Nov 16th 2021 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Beer Festival Volunteers Meeting at Rainhill Rec Club

For a number of years the success of our Beer Festival has been the great contributions made from all our supporters and volunteers.
Previously, we invited all volunteers (over 18) for a briefing at the Rec Club about two weeks before the event.
So, as a major change we are planning to hold a meeting on Tuesday 16th November at the Rec Club to invite all the volunteers and anyone who may wish to help, to come along to re-introduce us to you all and to update you with our plans.
Rainhill Rotary Club has lost a number of our members since the last event and realise that for this Beer Festival to operate and succeed to raise good funds for local charities we need help from as many as we can from outside.
At that meeting we will ask you to complete a short questionnaire asking you to indicate which part you can offer your help.
With that information we will be able to plan the workforce and then be able to inform you, prior to the event, as to what part you will be able to help.
It is important that your voluntary help is put the best advantage not only for you but the success of the event.

So can you please reply by email to enquiries@rainhillbeerfest.org of your attendance?


Rainhill Rotary members are most welcome and should wear their Beer Festival Polo shirts!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

During January & February President, Dave Roberts makes 5 presentations to various local groups following the bequest received in memory of Alan Richardson.
