Santa's Sleigh 2021

Wed, Dec 15th 2021 at 6:00 pm- Wed, Dec 22nd 2021 - 8:00 pm

A record year raising funds for local children's charities

Another magical year touring the streets with Santa and his Sleigh!

What a wonderful reception from the people of Pinner, we really appreciated your welcoming smiles and kind words. And we all owe a special thank you to the weather for staying dry. 

A big thank you to everyone who donated to our Santa collection - this year we collected over £6,000 as we toured the streets on 6 nights. We also received individual and corporate donations and held a collection outside Morrison’s supermarket. With the addition of reclaimed gift aid, we have a grand total of over £8,800 from our Christmas fundraising to be distributed to Local Children's Charities. 

We have allocated money to HAD - Harrow Association of Disabled People (Youth section), Arts for Life Project, and the Centre for ADHD & Autism Support (Youth section). Other donations were also made to Forest School, Harrow Horizons and Harrow Young Mucisians.

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Santa and his Elves

Santa's Sleigh

back Santa and his Sleigh, our popular Christmas float touring the streets of Pinner.