£7000 Collected for Ukraine

Rotarians and friends were at Booths supermarket from Thursday 10th March to Sunday 13th March 2022 collecting donations for relief work in Ukraine

The collection at Booths supermarket by Rotarians and friends collected £7,000 thanks to the generosity of the people of Knutsford.
Over 4 days there was a steady flow of donations from shoppers and to this sum Gift Aid will be aided.
President of Knutsford Rotary, Rick Dallimore said, ‘ We are very grateful to all those who donated so generously.  We chatted with many people and it is clear that there is a huge level of concern for the plight of Ukranians at this difficult time. and this was represented in the large sum given.   In addition to Rotary members and associates, we are also grateful to Knutsford Hosts, We-Are-Knutsford, Catenians and others who willingly helped with the collection, and we are, of course indebted to the management of Booths for allowing us to collect in their store.’
Rotary has many members in Ukraine and eastern Europe, who have mobilised local relief efforts in conjunction with the Red Cross and the United Nations, to address the needs of refugees, particularly those left behind. These Rotarians on the ground are well placed to identify and satisfy urgent needs, drawing on Rotary funding from around the world.  All donations  will therefore be directed to where it can do most good through the work of Rotary volunteers with nothing spent on administration.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Great coverage in the Knutsford Guardian for our work marshalling the carparking for COVID and Flu vaccinations.


Rotarians and friends were at Booths supermarket from Thursday 10th March to Sunday 13th March 2022 collecting donations for relief work in Ukraine


A Sunday morning outing to Altrincham.


At 3:00pm on Monday 22nd November 2021, the last patient to receive a Covid vaccination from the Knutsford Medical Partnership was guided into the Knutsford Community Hospital by a team of marshals organised by Knutsford Rotary Club.


The Club was asked if it could provide the car park marshalling service for the 2022 COVID and Flu vaccinations the Club of course said, Yes. Members were ably assisted on the last session before Halloween by 3 witches and the Grim Reaper!


Newsletter January/February 2024 All previous month's newsletters are also available here


Knutsford Rotarians were busy on 14 November providing traffic management for the Acts of Remembrance in the town centre and at St Cross, Crosstown.

Alan Ingram takes over as President from Andrew Lloyd-Green

Presidential Handover 2024

The WInners and Runners Up

On the 11th February 2025 there was a first for Knutsford when Knutsford Rotary and Knutsford Academy hosted one of the 12 regional heats of the Rotary Youth Speaks Programme.


Rotarians were back on duty on the 23rd December as the next round of COVID-19 booster jabs began .

Rotarians Alan Ingram and Andrew Lloyd-Green collecting on the stand in Booths

A 4 day collection held in Booths supermarket for relief work in Turkey and Syria


Members of the Club were kept busy on the morning of 12th November handling the traffic management for the Acts of Remembrance in the town centre and at Crosstown.

2  of the Rotary volunteers closing one of the streets while the Mayor's parade passed through.

A dozen Knutsford Rotary volunteers were in the town closing streets for a short while on 30th July so that the Mayor's procession could pass through the town centre safely.


Presentation by Andrew Lloyd-Green celebrating the end of a very successful year as President.


Club Members were delighted to read a letter in the Knutsford Guardian from Sarah Flannery, Chairwoman, Knutsford Hosts.

Helping Knutsford to present a show that generated £500 for Cheshire Hospice.

Below is a list of charities and other good causes supported by Knutsford Rotary
