Annual Sponsored Swim

Sat, May 21st 2022 at 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Raise money for our Charities as well as your own.

Brookmans Park Annual Sponsored Swim Poster 2022

Brookmans Park Rotary's annual sponsored swim starts at 5:30pm on Saturday evening 21st May 2022 at the Furzefield Centre, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar. This is your opportunity to take part in this high profile event by entering as many teams as you can and once again this year, help to raise money for your own charity, School PTA or local good cause whilst also helping to raise money for Brookmans Park Rotary club’s chosen charities, which this year include the Save the Children’s Ukraine appeal. There is no cost to enter a team and half of the monies raised by your team will go to your charity, school PTA or other good cause and the other half will go to the above charities supported by Brookmans Park Rotary club.

Each team should have up to 5 swimmers who, in relay, swim as many lengths of the pool (full size 33m) as they can in a timed 20 minute period. The only health and safety condition is that all swimmers must be capable of swimming unaided, one full length of the pool.


Barbara MiddletonContact Barbara Middleton about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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A big thanks for all the donations.


Welcome to Brookmans Park Rotary Club


Latest news from Brookmans Park Rotary Club


Information on the Charities we are supporting this year.
