Youth Speaks

A Debate is organised and promoted by Rotary International.
It is a four-stage competition which is designed to support and encourage the development of effective communication
skills. See 'Events' for next competition


Youth Speaks: A Debate is organised and promoted by Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I). It

is a four-stage competition which is designed to support and encourage the development of effective communication


Aims and objectives

The competition aims to offer young people:

• experience in speaking on a public platform as a member of a team

• an incentive to formulate ideas on topical subjects and to put these forward while being in opposition to another


• discipline in dealing with a topic in a limited time

• the opportunity of learning and practising high standards of expression, presentation and appearance

• impartial feedback and assessment of performance by experienced adjudicators

For Entry Form Click Here :
For Information Pack Click Here:

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Big Charity Fundraising Walk Supporting your chosen charity


Each year Rotary in Guildford together with the Vivace Chorus hold a Charity Concert at Holy Trinity Church Guildford to raise funds for the 'Mayor's Local Support Fund'


Gosden House School. It is an outstanding school for young people with learning and additional needs. For the last 5 years a group of Rotarians from Guildford have been helping to clear the gardens and the grounds generally.


The next Schools Got Talent will take place at GLive on Thursday 13th March 2025. We will once again welcome Christ’s College, Prior’s Field School and Duke of Kent School. Ash Manor School will be joining us for the first time.


In 1998 Guildford Rotarian Dr Sam Das, set up the ‘Guildford Eye Project’ which centred on curing blindness in India.


A Debate is organised and promoted by Rotary International. It is a four-stage competition which is designed to support and encourage the development of effective communication skills. See 'Events' for next competition
