To celebrate the Club’s 100th year and the Saffery Rotary Walk’s 25th year, we added to the fun packed finish line of the walk by setting up a Rotary stand. The intention of the stand was to promote Rotary in Guernsey. The Rotary Club of Guernsey and Rotary Guernesiais teamed up to fill the stand with Rotary merchandise along with various picture boards celebrating the work of the two Clubs.
A succession of members from each Club manned the stand throughout the day. Also doing a stint on the stall was incoming District Governor, George Phillips, who had participated in the walk doing the leg from Bordeaux to the finish line with his wife, Maddy and their dog.
A special thanks needs to go to incoming President of Rotary Guernesiais, Helen Salisbury, for baking 96 cupcakes, which were scrumptious. Thanks also to Ali Barnett, Martin Ozanne and Andy Salisbury for creating the boards, Ali and Andy for the set up. A great day was had by all!
Photographs are by Margrit Bishop from our Club along with Ali Barnett from Rotary Guernesiais.
more Inner Wheel donates 2 cherry trees.
more The Chain of Office represents 100 years in the life of our Club.
more Looking forward to seeing this in full bloom during the summer months.
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more Guernsey Press & BBC Radio Guernsey coverage.
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more Friday 21 October to Sunday 23 October 2022
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more The Pavilion was officially opened by the Bailiff of Guernsey on Friday 17 September 2021. It is now fully accessible to the public following the project led by Rotary with the support of many in the community.
more A thank you to the donors
back The Centenary Year of the Club is now with us and plans have been made for a year of commemoration, celebration and raising the awareness of Rotary within the community.