Both local Rotary clubs joined together for the Rocquettes cider orchard tour.
Despite the threat of bad weather 25 intrepid Rotarians braved the elements & enjoyed the Castel country side with thousands of apple trees.
The tour culminated with a cider & cheese sampling, which all participated in, a great evening was had by all.
more A great way to get Christmas started.
more Skittles at the Hampshire Lodge.
more Thank you La Reunion.
more An excellent visit.
more £450 presented to Walking Football Guernsey
more Previous President Dave Parish hands over the Presidency to John Moses. Brian Acton becomes President Elect & Andy Salisbury President Nominee.
more Celebrating the Club's Charter
more A Great Start to 2021
more Another Year of Excellent Service
more The competition for the best-decorated Rotarian house was won by the 'Campbell Residence' entry.
more A Social Out Meeting
more A Social Out Meeting
more The first joint coffee morning of Rotary Club of Guernsey, Rotary Guernesiais, Inner Wheel and Friends of Rotary.
more Michael Morris succeeds Joanne Reynolds as Rotary Guernesiais President
more Rotary Bowled Over!
more Rotary down deep and dirty!
more Celebrating 97 years in the community
more Ho Ho Ho: Rotary Christmas Supper and Party
more What's a little bit of rain!
more Evacuation, Occupation, Liberation and Potato Pie Walk
more Rotary Bowled Over!
more The call-handling and control functions for four emergency services under one roof.
more A Wonderful Venue And Engaging Speaker Contributed To A Charter Celebration To Remember.
more A visit to Guernsey Post
more Allan Smith joins us for lunch.
more Rotary Christmas Party
more Visit to Belle Greve Sewerage Outfall Works
more Golf but not as you know it.......
more A visit to Guernsey’s power station followed by supper