Rotary Day of Service is a multi-district initiative where 800 Rotary Clubs and 30,000 Rotarians across 10 states and 5 countries unite to volunteer in their communities on or near Saturday, 18 May 2024. This record-breaking event aims to host service projects simultaneously, creating a powerful impact.
DG David Willis says “Our District 1240 is aiming for 100% participation from every club in the District! Every club’s participation is crucial to the success of this event. The vision is to showcase the power of Rotary to our friends and neighbours while making a huge impact on our communities.”
“With your club’s help we can make Rotary Day of Service 2024 a tremendous success!” was the exhortation.
We leapt at the challenge and arranged joint “litter-picks” with our two RotaKids clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools, Buttsbury on May 23, and Quilters after half term in early June.
Thursday May 23 saw five members of our club assemble at Buttsbury Junior School for a joint Litter Pick.
Greeted by Deputy Head Master Adam Graves, President Roger, Michael Ginn, Les, Keith and Peter Greene, were introduced to 15 young pupils from Buttsbury Junior and Infant schools - years 2 and 5. Donning their RotaKids tabards and armed with “grabbers” they were split into five teams, each with a Rotarian with his own “grabber”, and dispersed around the grounds. Two teams to different ends of the field, one team to the entrance drive, one to the back gate and one beside the playground.
Eager is an understatement, all the children were totally enthusiastic in their zeal to find and pick up rubbish, litter and detritus - even clambering into the hedges of the field to make sure nothing was missed.
Thankfully the children’s eyesight was much better than ours, and although there was less litter than last time, we found, tissues, cardboard, empty crisp packets, plastic, paper, even a Dr. Pepper bottle and a tennis ball! The teams made light work of the job and all too soon, five bags were full of litter, were disposed of, and the litter pickers and tabards were collected in.
Event over? No! We all repaired to the staff room where the children served us tea, coffee, and cake.
Their discipline, their behaviour, and the way they helped each other was most inspiring.
Deputy Head Adam Graves complimented the children on their endeavours and the Rotary Club for giving up our time to help out. “Thank you for the Rotary clubs support,” he said. “Although there was less litter than before, it was a successful event and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.”
Peter Greene commented for our club “Thank you very much for today, we thoroughly enjoyed it and I think the children did too. We are all so impressed by their excellent behaviour, enthusiasm and they way they conducted themselves, and all applied themselves to seeking out and picking up litter. So very enthusiastic!”
Well done Buttsbury! Thank you for letting us help you on this Rotary Day of Service.
more We supported Buttsbury Junior School's sponsored run in aid of St. Luke's Hospice at the end of term before Christmas
more ITV News features Buttsbury Junior School including two RotaKids in an item on safeguarding children
more Buttsbury RotaKids took part in our annual End Polio Challenge
more We support the RotaKids and their Tea party with senior citizens of our town
more We invest Quilters Junior School RotaKids at the school Assembly for the coming school year
more We invest Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids at the school Assembly for in front of the whole school and some school Trustees.
more The five RotaKids' Officers presented a slide show of all their achievements in the previous year - an outstanding preformance raising over £8,000 and delivered with professional clarity and aplomb.
more The four members of the RotaKids' leadership group from years four and five presented a slide show of all their achievements in the previous year - an outstanding performance focussing primarily on Dementia and delivered brilliantly.
more A quiz jointly with the Quilters Junior School Eco-Group to raise money for Borewells in Kenya in honour of one of the group's deceased father
more Quilters RotaKids won a Presidential Citation from Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, for the second year in a row.
more Buttsbury Junior School win a Citation for the third successive year
more Ann Robinson, Head Teacher at Buttsbury Junior School, its RotaKids officers, and Deputy Head Adam Graves, attend a special service to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D Day landing in Normandy.
more Quilters Junior SChool Pen Pals write regularly to elderly citizens in Billericay to help stave off loneliness, and invite them to events at the school.
more Both of our RotaKids clubs in Billericay have been recognised with a Presidential Citation from the International Director of Rotary International, Nicki Scott, for their amazing community efforts.
more Quilter Junior School home of our first RotaKids club, takes over the Billericay Junior Parkrun on July 9, 2023
more We joined Buttsbury Junior School RotaKIds and its ECO team on a Litter pick, followed by Tea and cakes
more Quilters Junior School Rotakids join Buttsbury in accepting this prestigious Award, the only two clubs in the District to do so.
more Quilters Junior School Rotakids make their annual presentation to our Rotary Club of their achievements this last year.
more Buttsbury Junior School Rotakids win this prestigious Award, one of only two clubs in the District to do so.
more RotaKids update the club on all they have achieved in their 2022-23 year. A quality professional style presentation.
more Our member Rev. Margaret Fowler presented our Borewells project to a full school Assembly after an invitation from the school ECO Group.
more Both our RotaKids Clubs have been recommended for a Rotary GB & I Citation for their work this year.
more Buttsbury Junior and Infant Schools hosted a Kenya day as part of their Geography week.
more Buttsbury Junior School fundraise for Cancer UK with a sponsored Hula Hoop challenge for all the shildren.
more Quilters held a Christmas party for its school children and their grown-up Pen Pals.
more Investiture for the 2023-24 RotaKids
more The children of Buttsbury Junior School welcomed the Billericay Rotary club to their yearly whole school fundraiser in late January. This is the school children’s main fundraiser of the year.
more Year Six children of Buttsbury Junior School had a fundraising "Sleepover"
more Buttsbury RotaKids win Presidential Citation, a Rotary award in recognition of its achievements - one of very, very, few RotaKids club in Great Britain and the whole of Ireland to achieve this distinction.
more Investiture of the new 2022/23 ROtaKids Officers at Quilters Junior School
more Buttsbury Junior School's "Enterprise Day" raises money again for its charities
more Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids report on their achievements in school year ending July 2022
more Quilters Junior School celebrates its Dementia Friendy credentials
more Kids like nothing more than flying flags and singing God Save The Queen. Buttsbury RotaKids club did just that as they celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in the week before the Bank Holidays.
more Quilters Pen Pals involves the children writing to “older” Pen Pals to keep them “in touch” over the Covid pandemic. This was a music event at Quilters to which they were all invited.
more Another Year passed and another Tea party to wlecome "Seniors" to meet their Quilters' Pen Pals.
more Buttsbury Junior School super RotaKids fundraising event – an exhibition of Dogged Determination – a series of sponsored relay races to raise money for their chosen charity for 2021-22, Guide Dogs For the Blind
more Investiture time for the new 2021-22 Buttsbury RotaKids
more Investiture time for the new 2021-22 Quilters RotaKids
more Quilters Pupils become Pen Pals to keep the elderly "in touch" over the Covid Pandemic
more Huge fundraising effort amply rewarded.
more Quilters Junior School RotaKids are celebrating, having just been recognised for the Dementia Friendly Schools award
more Quilters Junior Schools Pen Pal project helps meet the challenge of dementia
more Activities and successes of the Buttsbury RotaKids club.
more Activities and successes of the Quilters RotaKids club
more A special Zoom meeting to ensure this year's club officers are properly welcomed to the Rotary fold.
more Buttsbury RotaKids continue their leading role as a Dementia Friendly School
more How the RotaKids school raised over £9200 from sponsored events
more A virtual investiture for a virtual world
more Buttsbury RotaKids present their achievements on Zoom. including all the exciting things they’ve done, and the challenges faced. Despite the year and ability to carry out planned events being cut short by a third.
more The first Dementia Friendly Schools award from the Billericay Dementia Alliance goes to Buttsbury Junior School, the home of our second RotaKids Club.
more Buttsbury RotaKids have another busy and exciting year, despite the restrictions of Covid-19
more The new school year heralds the election by their fellow school children of new members for the Quilters and Buttsbury RotaKids clubs, and their investiture by Rotary Club President Ben Clarke.
more Each Year we host our two RotaKids Clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools so they can present their achievements. This was Buttsbury Junior School's presentation.
more Sponsored hula hoop challenge organised by the School’s RotaKids Club raises over £2400 for the RSPCA.
more Each Year we host our two RotaKids Clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools so they can present their achievements. This was Quilters' presentation.
more Children in all Primary Schools in the area including our RotaKids clubs worked on themes which conveyed pride in their local area, encouraged everyone to look after the environment and depict this in art form. That theme is “The Future is Bright".
more The Great Buttsbury Bake-Off raised over £1200 for Eric, eldest son of headteacher Lucy of Ciamanda School, Kenya. Eric who has leukaemia.
more RotaKids of Buttsbury Junior School sell red noses and dress up in pyjamas and onesies to raise money for Comic Relief
more A new school year and new members are invested in the Quilters and Buttsbury RotaKids clubs
more The start of a new tradition - both RotaKids clubs came to Rotary and presented their achievements to the whole club - to much applause
more The return of the school’s “Enterprise Day”. 30 minutes of competition to see which class in each year could raise the most money on their own initiatives from a £5 start to donate to charity.
more RotaKids raise money for RNIB on the theme of the Football World Cup, all on the day that England play their first match.
more Buttsbury’s Year 6 boys football team lost in the final com peting in District Rotary's first five-a-saide football competition.
more The money is all in - £4780.10 raised by the RotaKids Skipathon at Buttsbury Junior School. All to go to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
more Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids supported their chosen charity (Great Ormond Street Hospital) by completing a sponsored skip.
more After support from our Rotary Club, District Grant helps Quilters Juniors start their dream outdoor Gallery and Classroom
more The new RotaKids team takes up the challenge for 2017-18.
more Since its formation in February this year, Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids club has had a very active and highly successful first five months.
more A full year of activities and fund-raising come to a very successful end
more No Let-up for the RotaKids as their major fundraiser enjoys beautiful weather.
more Stimulating creativity, imagination and learning with an outdoor learning centre and Art Gallery, all prodiced by teh children themselves
more The new RotaKids club of Buttsbury Junior School received its Charter.
more The first meeting of the Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids and President Mike gave each club member their membership badges and each club Officer their badges of office.
more Buttsbury Junior School will have a new RotaKIds club - our second in the town.
more The first meeting of the 2016-17 Quiltonians RotaKids at Quilters Junior School saw President Mike give each club member their membership badges and each Officer their badges of office.
more RotaKids end the year with a fund-raising event for the Meningitis charity.
more Quiltonians RotaKids have another busy and successful year.
more President Ed Harrison presented a cheque for £2,480 to Quilters school"™s RotaKids President as the final instalment to fund its "Quiltonians" radio station.
more October saw the enrollment fo the new members of the Quiltonians RotaKids at Quilters Junior School
more A Quilters Junior School Assembly to celebrate the achievements of the 2014/15 Quiltonians RotaKids.
more RotaKids raise over £500 for Brain Tumour Research, AND, are visited by Lauren and Lewis Platt.
more QFM goes Live! New radio station pilot show is broadcast.
more The Club (and the Town's) first RotaKids Club is launched.
back RotaKids - helping Primary School Children learn skills and citizenship - open to the 7 to 11 year olds.