Pen Pals for the Elderly

Quilters Junior SChool Pen Pals write regularly to elderly citizens in Billericay to help stave off loneliness, and invite them to events at the school.

Pen Pals, 500 Miles and Britains Got Talent?

The Rotary Club of Billericay has been supporting the good work at Quilters Junior School for many years.  
We oversee its very active RotaKids club, and we fund the costs of the Pen Pals project by which pupils write to the elderly in the community to stave off loneliness, So, it was a pleasure to accept an invitation from Headteacher Mike Wade for our members to join a Pen Pals afternoon tea.

Homemade Food

On May 3 President Roger Kettle, President-Elect Patrick Rothon, Peter Greene and I were welcomed at the school by pupils who introduced themselves and issued us with name badges.  In the school hall we were offered tea or coffee, sausage rolls, sandwiches and jam biscuits.  They looked homemade and tasted very good indeed. 

The school hall was thronged with children eagerly chatting with their pen pals.  Some of the adults had only one pen pal, others had as many as four.  While nearly all the adults are local elderly or disabled people, one of the year sixes told me her pen pal lived in Scotland and from her letters she has learned a lot about life north of the border.

A Challenge

In case the conversation flagged, each table had a variety of board games. There was clearly a degree of serious competition mixed in with the fun and laughter. It was good to see the different generations mixing so well.  Peter Greene and a student were challenged to a game of Guess Who? by a pair of students, and the result … we’ll spare the blushes.

While we didn’t have pen pals, we did speak to a number of RotaKids, who told us about their fund-raising activities and visiting a Dementia Café, and the Men’s Shed in Lake Meadows. When I told one of the house captains that we help at the Soapbox Derby (May 5), she said she would be there to support the school’s soapbox (it is displayed in the foyer), and taking part in the dance routine. The school is very involved in the local community.

One lady to whom I spoke, had recently lost her husband to cancer and dementia. They used to go to the dementia café in Hillside Road. The Quilters children came there to speak to them and she said her husband ‘came alive’ and really loved interacting with the children. What a beautiful memory for all concerned.

It was remarkable that it took just a gesture from the Headteacher for all the children to fall completely silent. He then reminded them about the importance of being KIND in everyday life, before introducing the school choir.

An Inspiring Afternoon

At previous events the school choir has sung at the end of the afternoon.  It now includes some of the pen pals, and some people with dementia. This afternoon was to be the first performance of this “Inter-Gen” Choir.  What a success it was. The mixture of voices produced an extra loud, clear and beautiful sound.  As the choir approached the chorus of ‘Walk 500 Miles’ the noise and excitement increased until they were all stamping their feet and singing their hearts out. With just the same enthusiasm we heard ‘Sweet Caroline’, ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and ‘I’m a believer’. 

Headteacher Mike Wade summed up everyone’s feelings by say the choir could be good enough to enter the Britain’s Got Talent competition.

An inspiring afternoon at a great school.
By Steve King

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RotaKids Mr Mike Wade and Mrs Maureen Lee

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DG David Willis addresses the Assembly

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RotaKids and Don Sheppard (104!)

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Gathered together

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Buttabury Junior School Citation

National Presidential Citations

more Both of our RotaKids clubs in Billericay have been recognised with a Presidential Citation from the International Director of Rotary International, Nicki Scott, for their amazing community efforts.

Headteacher Mike Wade

Quilters Parkrun Takeover 2023

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The Team

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Quilters RotaKids Presidential Citation Award

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DG Jed RotaKids Maureen Lee and Rotarians

Quilters RotaKids annual Presentation

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DG Jed and the RotaKids Officers with the Citation

Buttsbury RotaKids Presidential Citation Award

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RotaKids   Officers and Lead Teacher Annie Watson

Buttsbury RotaKids Achievements 2023

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Margaret presenting to the school

Quilters’ RotaKids’ Water Project 2023

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Buttsbury Junior School 2022-23 Citation

Presidential Citation

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In Kenya Colours

Kenya Day Endeavours 2024

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Year 6

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School Choir at the Pen Pals Party

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The five Officers of the RotaKids

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Keeping Them Up

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Sleeping Over

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Presententing the Award

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President Michael Ginn and Head Teacher Michael Wade

Quilters RotaKids Club Investiture 2022

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Nerf Guns - Watch Out

Buttsbury is so Enterprising 2022

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RotaKids ready for lunch

Buttsbury RotaKids SUCCESS 2022

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RotaKids, teachers and Club Members

Dementia Friends 2022

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Look what we did...

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Playing Games

Pen Pals 2022 Music Day

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Quilters Pen Pals project

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What A Relay

RotaKids - Lion King? Not This time!

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The RotaKids Committee

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The 2021-22 RotaKids

Quilters RotaKids Special - Badges of Honour

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Some of the Pen Pals

RotaKids Pen Pals at Quilters 2021

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Club Members

Buttsbury RotaKids Charity Bonanza 2021

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Quilters RotaKids receiving Dementia Friendly certificate

Quilters Dementia Award 2021

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Dementia Actions on the High Street

Quilters RotaKids fight against Dementia

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RotaKids Charter and the first RotaKIds Group

Buttsbury RotaKids Club

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Presentation of the Charter - Headteacher Mike Wade and President Michael Ginn

Quilters RotaKids Club

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RotaKids and club members

Quilters Investiture - 2020-21

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Maureen and Jack with the School's Dementia Certificate

A New Challenge

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Mellow Yellow

Buttsbury Charity Days

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Virtual Ceremony

Buttsbury RotaKids 2020 Investiture

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All the RotaKids

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The Whole club with Ben and Suzie

2020 Rotakids Investiture

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Buttsbury RotaKids Officers with Lead Teacher Lauren Pretty and Head Ann Robinson, with President Ben

Buttsbury RotaKids 2019 Achievements

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Children hard at it!

Buttsbury Through the Hoops! 2019

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RotaKids, Lead teacher Helen Kilby and President Ben Clarke

Quilters RotaKids 2019 Achievements

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A Packed Preview Night

Art in the Community

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Buttsbury school children mob the Cake Tables

Buttsbury RotaKids Bake-Off

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Comic Relief congregation

Buttsbury Comic Relief 2019

more RotaKids of Buttsbury Junior School sell red noses and dress up in pyjamas and onesies to raise money for Comic Relief

Quilters Junior School RotaKids Committee

2019 New RotaKids

more A new school year and new members are invested in the Quilters and Buttsbury RotaKids clubs

Buttsbury RotaKids Officers

RotaKids 2018 - Achievements

more The start of a new tradition - both RotaKids clubs came to Rotary and presented their achievements to the whole club - to much applause

This Game is TERRIFIC

Buttsbury RotaKids 2018 - Enterprise Day

more The return of the school’s “Enterprise Day”. 30 minutes of competition to see which class in each year could raise the most money on their own initiatives from a £5 start to donate to charity.

The Creative Team

Quilters RotaKids 2-18 World Cup Day

more RotaKids raise money for RNIB on the theme of the Football World Cup, all on the day that England play their first match.

It's a Goal!

Buttsbury RotaKids 2018 - Rotary Football competition

more Buttsbury’s Year 6 boys football team lost in the final com peting in District Rotary's first five-a-saide football competition.

We raised this much!

Buttsbury Skipathon 2018 - £4000 bonus

more The money is all in - £4780.10 raised by the RotaKids Skipathon at Buttsbury Junior School. All to go to Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Three Stars of the Skipathon

Buttsbury Skipathon 2018 - What a day!

more Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids supported their chosen charity (Great Ormond Street Hospital) by completing a sponsored skip.

Cheque presentation with some of the RotaKids

Quiltopia - Outdoor endeavour and learning 2018

more After support from our Rotary Club, District Grant helps Quilters Juniors start their dream outdoor Gallery and Classroom

The new Team

Quilters New Team 2017-18

more The new RotaKids team takes up the challenge for 2017-18.

The 2017 RotaKids Club

Buttsbury - a great first few months!

more Since its formation in February this year, Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids club has had a very active and highly successful first five months.

Planning the next Project

Quilters - What a year 2017

more A full year of activities and fund-raising come to a very successful end

We're off

Buttsbury Fun Run

more No Let-up for the RotaKids as their major fundraiser enjoys beautiful weather.

The learning centre goes here!

Quilters RotaKids - Outdoor Classroom and Art Gallery

more Stimulating creativity, imagination and learning with an outdoor learning centre and Art Gallery, all prodiced by teh children themselves

Proud Holder of her club's Charter

Buttsbury Chartered!

more The new RotaKids club of Buttsbury Junior School received its Charter.

RotaKids Club at Buttsbury School

Buttsbury RotaKids is born!

more The first meeting of the Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids and President Mike gave each club member their membership badges and each club Officer their badges of office.

School Sign

Buttsbury RotaKids is approved

more Buttsbury Junior School will have a new RotaKIds club - our second in the town.

President Mike, RotaKids and Leader Helen

RotaKids Induction 2016

more The first meeting of the 2016-17 Quiltonians RotaKids at Quilters Junior School saw President Mike give each club member their membership badges and each Officer their badges of office.

HUla Hoop - not so easy as it seems

Quiltonians Fun(d) Day

more RotaKids end the year with a fund-raising event for the Meningitis charity.

Part of the RotaKids Soapbox Team

2015-16 - a Year of Success

more Quiltonians RotaKids have another busy and successful year.

President Ed Hands over the cheque

Quilters Radio Fully Funded

more President Ed Harrison presented a cheque for £2,480 to Quilters school"™s RotaKids President as the final instalment to fund its "Quiltonians" radio station.

the RotaKids Oath

2015-16 New School Year New RotaKids

more October saw the enrollment fo the new members of the Quiltonians RotaKids at Quilters Junior School

Certificate of Achievement

Achievement Assembly 2015

more A Quilters Junior School Assembly to celebrate the achievements of the 2014/15 Quiltonians RotaKids.

A Feather in the RotaKids Hat

Mad Hatters Day

more RotaKids raise over £500 for Brain Tumour Research, AND, are visited by Lauren and Lewis Platt.

The Radio station is here

QFM - Quilters Junior School Radio Station

more QFM goes Live! New radio station pilot show is broadcast.

Care Learn Respect

Quiltonian RotaKids

more The Club (and the Town's) first RotaKids Club is launched.

back to page above this...

Maureen Roger Mike Peter and Patrick


back RotaKids - helping Primary School Children learn skills and citizenship - open to the 7 to 11 year olds.