Bury Abbey Rotary Club Celebrates Record-Breaking Charity Fundraising
The Bury Abbey Rotary Club hosted a special fundraising celebration evening at the historic Guildhall during Volunteers Week to commemorate the outstanding success of their charity fundraising efforts in 2023/2024.
The event brought together club members, local businesses, and representatives from 25 charities that have benefited from the generous donations. Sponsored by Ashtons Legal, and with delicious refreshments provided by Andrea Davey of Elite Cakes and Buffets, the evening was a true testament to the community spirit and support for those in need.
Nic Hardy, Head of Fundraising, highlighted the various events that contributed to the record-breaking amount of over £60,000 raised, with a significant portion coming from the successful Classic Car Show which generated over £30,000. The Club's fundraising initiatives included a golf day, online auction, and St Edmund’s Day Dinner, all of which received overwhelming support from the community.
Alan Brown, Head of Community Service, expressed gratitude for the support received in the challenging economic climate, emphasizing the importance of coming together to make a positive impact through charity fundraising.
Under the leadership of President Alan Chadwick, the club has successfully raised a record amount of funds during the past year. Alan emphasized the importance of supporting local charities, noting that even a small amount of money can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need.
Charities and Community groups represented on the evening were.
-British Heart Foundation
-Bury Child Contact Centre
-Bury Drop in Centre
-Bury Rickshaw
-Bury St Edmund’s Repair Café
-Bury RUFC Vixens
-Bury Town Pastors
-Depden Care Farm
-Families Together
-Gatehouse Foodbank
-Friends of Guildhall Feoffment School
-My WiSH
-Our Special Friends
-Riverwalk School
-Rural Coffee Caravan
-Suffolk Accident Rescue Service
-Suffolk Mind
-Suffolk Sight
-Suffolk Young Carers
-St Nicholas Hospice
-The Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
-West Suffolk Citizens Advice
-Women’s Aid Refuge
Nic Hardy, Vice President of Bury Abbey Rotary, also expressed the club's dedication to making a difference in the community. "We are excited to host a variety of fundraising events in the next 12 months, including the 2024 Classic Car Show, a golf day, a black-tie St Edmunds Day Dinner, and an online auction in 2025," said Hardy.
If you would like more information on how you might support Bury Abbey Rotary, or if you are a charity with a project you would like the club to consider then please e-mail buryabbey@rotary1080.org.uk.
You will also find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Tic Tok
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