
District Governor

Raymond Seager MPHF

District Treasurer

Martin Williams MPHF

District Secretary

John Dunkley MPHF

Assistant Governor

Les Hoskins PHF

Assistant Governor

Carol Vizzard MPHF

Assistant Governor

Graham Forster MPHF

Assistant Governor

Peter Sherred PHF

Assistant Governor

Penny Spiller PHF

Assistant Governor

Kevin Fielding PHF

Assistant Governor

Steve Hanks PHF

Assistant Governor

Vivienne Rose

Assistant Governor

Brian Portway PHF

Assistant Governor

Christine Atkinson MPHF

Public Image Team Leader

Brian Portway PHF

Rotary Foundation Team Leader

Brian Dunne MPHF

Membership Team Leader

Mark Underwood PHF

International Service Team Leader

Francis Hodge PHF

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG)

Paul Frostick PHF

District Governor Elect (DGE)

Brian Dunne MPHF

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

Penny Spiller PHF

Safeguarding Officer

Karen Mulchinock

District Trainer

Denis Spiller PHF

Assistant District Secretary

Andrew Brown PHF

Environment Officer

Margaret Keenan MPHF


Carol Vizzard MPHF


Scott Reeve PHF

Community Team Leader

Pauline Goldsack PHF

Health & Safety

Karen Mulchinock

Equality & Diversity

Karen Mulchinock

End Polio Now

Caroline Seager PHF

Web Team Lead

Simon Mulchinock PHF


Simon Mulchinock PHF


Karen Mulchinock

Social Media

Simon Mulchinock PHF

District Grants Subcommittee Chair

Ralph Stanger PHF

Fundraising Lead

Roger Hickman

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Read further for details of our district fundraising projects.

Title Slide

Combined 1120 & 1130 Conference in Eastbourne 2024


Latest News From Around The District

June 24 Dist Mag Cover

Our monthly review of activities and events in our District


Preventing mother and infant mortality worldwide


Updates on our district's support for the Ukrainian people by delivering aid (inc. essential equipment, clothing and blankets).

Rotary Radio UK bringing harmony to the world

Bringing Rotary to the World

Faversham Rotarians at Work

Rotary's People of Action during the current Covid-19 pandemic

Rotarians at work

Rotary supporting the Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership

Ravensbourne Rotary Club cleaning the River Ravensbourne

Rotary members are tackling environmental issues the way they always do: coming up with projects, using their connections to change policy and planning for the future.

Shelterbox at work in Pakistan

Working together to reduce poverty, improve education, provide clean water & sanitation and promote peace.

Rotary Youth Leadership awards - RGB&I image gallery

Rotary Activities & Programmes for Young People

Rotary South East Youth Speaks Competition 2019

Rotary Competitions for Young People

Providing clean drinking water - from RGB&I image gallery

Addressing the big problems in the world

Welcome to Rotary

We're ready to welcome you to Rotary
