
District Governor

Anne Moriaty MPHF

District Treasurer

Christopher Bushell PHF

District Secretary

Graham Reeder MPHF

Assistant Governor

Jennifer Versey PHF

Assistant Governor

Alison Beaumont

Assistant Governor

Sue Pipe

Assistant Governor

Tony Stringer

Assistant Governor

Mark Chambers

Public Image Team Leader

Sue Wallbank PHF

Rotary Foundation Team Leader

Steve Wallbank MPHF

Membership Team Leader

David Willis MPHF

International Service Team Leader

Robert Muir

Youth Service Team Leader

Peter Dowse MPHF

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG)

David Willis MPHF

District Governor Elect (DGE)

Mark Williamson

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

Gloria Nichols MPHF

Safeguarding Officer

Geoff Kittle

District Trainer

Dave Eagles MPHF

Environment Officer

Graham Everard


Gloria Nichols MPHF

Sports Officer

Derek Hutchinson PHF

Community Team Leader

Keith Brownlie PHF

Vocational Team Leader

Keith Brownlie PHF

Primary Webmaster

Steve Gale MPHF

Health & Safety

Terrence Box

DG Aide

Lesley Sulley MPHF

Functions Chairman

Dave Eagles MPHF


Steve Wallbank MPHF


Martin Sulley MPHF

Youth Exchange Officer

Peter Dowse MPHF

Equality & Diversity

Geoff Kittle

End Polio Now

Steve Gale MPHF

Equality & Diversity

Geoff Kittle

Crowd Funding Champion

Steve Gale MPHF

Data Protection Officer

Geoff Kittle

Resilience Team Lead Officer

Alan Clark PHF

Club Development Officer

Jed Brooks PHF

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Pages about Foundation - Rotary's own charity


The 1240 District Bulletin is published monthly to give information on major Rotary activities in the District.


Crowdfunding has been around since 1885 and in 2022 RGB&I teamed up with Crowdfunder to give Rotary Clubs an opportunity to partake in this tried and tested form of fundraising.


A recording of the Training Session on starting a Satellite Club


The Environment is now Rotary's 7th Area of Focus


Joining Rotary opens up a world of opportunities and gives you the chance to make a difference in your local community and across the world. It's not all hard work though and our members have a lot of fun and build new friendship's.


Below you will find all the information about District Grants for downloading


The Rotary Leadership & Management Program 2024/25

End Polio Now

Crocus Corms are back for 2025. Please email stevegale@rotary1240.co.uk to register for early bird prices this year.


We would be delighted if members supported the Rotary Foundation by becoming a Sustaining Member. All you need to do is donate $100 per annum and this can be done monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly, or annually. $100 equates to approximately £7 per month


Pages about Rotary's International Service


You will find all the latest Youth information in respect of the Competitions and contacts.
