Dr McWhirter - talk about Rotary Doctor Bank and his work in Africa

Wed, Jul 20th 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Supper Meeting - open to club members, partners and prospective members.

Rtn Dr Jim McWhirter will talk about the work of the Rotary Doctor Bank.

Jim retired as a GP some years ago and quickly became involved in this vital work carried out by the Rotary Doctors Bank.

Members, their partners and guests will hear about the conditions the volunteers encounter when they go out to Uganda to offer their help. There is a desperate shortage of drugs and dressings in that country.

Rotary Doctor Bank is a charity within Rotary run by Rotarians in South Wales and maintains a register of doctors and nurses who carry out voluntary work abroad, mainly in Africa.

Rtn Dr Jim McWhirter (Rotary Club of Henley Bridge, Thames Valley District 1090) has been working at Kamuli Mission hospital in Uganda with Rotary Doctor Bank GB & I, having made several working visits where he identified immediate needs that could be achieved through Rotary and other professional contacts. Several clubs in the Thames Valley District (1090) including Thame Rotary have supported the Kamuli Hospital and at the Rotary GB&I Conference in April 2010, 'Dr Jim' was awarded the Magic of Rotary Volunteer Award. His most recent visit to Uganda was in April 2010. He would be very happy to speak about his experiences at club meetings.

Rtn Dr Jim McWhirter is an excellent speaker and this is a compelling and inspiring story of an ongoing International Project. The work is challenging but rewarding and the talk is illustrated with a slide show.  His website will give a flavour of the work undertaken and can be seen at http://friendsofkamulimissionhospital.org/


For more information about this talk and if you wish to attend, please fill in the form below. A club member will be in touch with shortly.

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