Executive and Council

How District 1090 is managed

District Executive Committee

The District Executive Committee comprises the District Governor (DG), Immediate Past DG, DG Elect, DG Nominee, District Secretary, District Treasurer, District Assistant Governors and the Service Committee Chairs of Membership, Community, Vocational, International, Foundation, Environment, Youth and Public Image  committees. The Executive Committee meets quarterly.

There is a number of other officers responsible for specific areas, like Health and Safety, Protection, Equality and Diversity who are not voting members of the Executive. Some may be attached to existing committees. See "District Team" for details of current post-holders.

District Council

The District Council comprises the Executive together with elected representatives from each club in the District.

District Council meetings are held 4 times a year in September, November, March and June. All Rotarians are welcome to attend, although only the elected club representatives are entitled to vote. The meetings offer a forum for members to receive and discuss business reports from the District Executive, including approving budgets, electing future officers and to consider other topical items from the wider organisation.  

Members may download District Council papers by logging into the Members Only area and selecting District Council Meetings under the District Members Pages tab

Executive and Council pages:

