A number of clubs in the Thames Valley District are now working directly with Rotary Clubs in Nepal to help rebuild community resources in the stricken areas.
Hours after the earthquake struck, District Governor Rabindra Piya called an Emergency Meeting of the “DISTRICT DISASTER RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE” The devastation in the Kathmandu Valley and around the country soon became clear. The Rotary Club of New Road City had a fellowship meeting in a hotel at the time of the quake, and the building collapsed trapping many of the members. Most were rescued but at this time others are still trapped.
The Disaster Relief Committee is setting up an appeal to help with the immediate relief and to respond to a sustainable rebuilding of communities. With Government participation we plan to build 1000 low cost homes in the rural areas.
In the short term there is an urgent need for Shelter, food and safe drinking water and we are asking for help from Rotary around the world.
Rotary Clubs in GB&I will have many friends and contacts in Nepal through both GSE team contacts and the many Club projects carried out all over Nepal. Clubs may wish to help their direct contacts, and I have already heard from some. However, Rotary GB&I have now set up the Rotary GB&I Donations Trust for the Nepal Earthquake appeal. This is for the long term, sustainable community projects we will support once the immediate emergency has been dealt with. Donations can be sent to Elisabeth Tritschler at Alcester or: online through our BTmydonate page https://mydonate.bt.com/events/rotarynepal/224458
Please Support the Box Schemes
Aquabox have boxes in District 3292 and they will be distributed immediately. 180 Aquabox Golds and 20 Community Filters have been released to the Devon and Somerset Fire Brigade who have close contacts with Nepal and are sending a team out to assist.. Aquabox also have contact with the Ghurkha regiment who have distributed boxes in the past. More boxes are available and more are being packed subject to funding.
Shelter Box have sent a team out immediately and Rotary in Nepal have already asked for Shelter Boxes to be supplied as shelter is a major concern.
Water Survival Box have released all their boxes ( approx 400) to Humanity First UK who they have worked with very successfully in previous disasters and more boxes have been offered when available.
These three schemes have responded immediately and will need financial support both to provide their boxes as well the cost of Distribution.
Disaster Aid UK and Ireland are assessing the situation and will be giving support for the rebuilding of communities once the initial urgent needs are met.
Clubs throughout the Thames Valley were quick to respond, either by sending donations to the 'Box Schemes' direct from club funds or arranging street collections. Reports coming in are that the public have been very generous in their responses. More details to follow.......
more Links to the Monthly Response Summaries published by Shelterbox
more Latest news from Shelterbox
more Shelterbox and Rotary working together
more Shelterbox sends team after powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocks Haiti. Tropical Storm Grace approaching, bringing strong winds, floods and risk of mudslides.
more Isabelle Mayhead aged 8 of Oakfield School has organised a bring & buy sale at her school to raise funds for Rotary's ShelterBox scheme.
more Rotary Clubs throughout the District have been quick to respond to the emergency in Pakistan
back Clubs throughout District 1090 are keen supporters of Shelterbox and respond in times of need in addition to contributing to this award-winning charity on a regular basis.