We Are Rotary
Saturday 12th October 2024
Venue – Crowne Plaza Felbridge, London Road, East Grinstead, RH19 2BH
Your Conference Team are progressing the programme and other arrangements for the District Conference in October 2024 and we can share with you the latest information.
The programme has now been agreed and Kiera Jade Smitheram (Chichester Rotaract) has accepted our invitation to act as MC. The CEO of Shelterbox, Sanj Suikanthan, will update us on their work. DGE Tim has first hand experience of working with Shelterbox so knows how vital their work is to those affected by natural disasters.
There will be presentations on our many Youth Projects. Alan Wellman will tell us more about RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) and there will also be more details from those who have taken part in Young Chef, Young Musician and Youth Speaks.
Clubs will be giving presentations on their projects including Cut out Cancer, Gambia Project, Water Barrels, Zambia Project and Rotary Junior Award Scheme. Presentations will also be made on Rotary Childrens' Fun Day (formerly Kids Out), Music in the Park and the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
The cost to register is £39.00 which includes free tea/coffee, lunch and free parking.
Rotaract and Interact are very welcome to attend free of charge but will still need to register.
Please register now either by clicking on the link to the right. Payment details will be included in the registration acknowledgment.
For those who prefer to pay by cheque, please make your payment to Rotary South Events Ltd and send to Rtn Alan Knight,38 Wordsworth Mead, Redhill, RH1 1AJ
Alan Knight
Conference Chairman
Free parking, buffet lunch and all refreshments included.
more District Conference held at Crown Plaza East Grinstead
more as at 22nd August 2024
more Access here to view details of earlier conferences (4 pages below this)