January 2019 at Devonshire Park Theatre.

The Rotary Club of Bexhill arranged for 70 members of Hastings and Bexhill Mencap Society to have a super afternoon out at the Devonshire Theatre to see Cinderella. They were transported there by coach and minibus, the latter driven by volunteer Mencap driver Rotarian President Graham Forster. Graham said ‘the excitement started with the journey itself and I was lucky enough to find a spare seat and sit with the group in the theatre’. Graham said the laughter and participation of the group with the performance there was absolutely delightful and reward enough for the effort raising the money’ for which he thanked the public for their support at Christmas.


Mencap Manager Georgina Holmes thanked Bexhill Rotary and said that without support from organisations like Rotary and also the public for support through their local charity shop in Kings Road St Leonards they could not offer the essential services they do as a local self funding charity.

Graham ForsterContact Graham Forster about this page:

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